Hello Humans.
I shall update about how I've spent my holiday so far (:
Have been spending time with my family and friends. That's why I love holiday. Though it's gonna involve some monetary investment. LOL.
fourth movie of the holiday with my dearest third sister! Thanks to my second sister who went for the standard charter 42km run that we have these 2 free tickets for Mission Impossible 4! Well, did I mention that I never realize how handsome Tom cruise is til I watch this movie? HAHA, okay it's more like he got the charisma! I never thought that the movie would be enjoyable or nice, and a ridiculous imaginary link of the movie was Jackie Chan in my mind. Mission Impossible- Jackie Chan, I think I'm cute. LOL. Anyway the movie was nice! We got comfortable seats too! Shall watch part 1, 2 and 3 if possible :D
And we wrote this before going for our movie! :D May everyone be safe, healthy, happy, blessed with love and money and laughter. Students like me perhaps can achieve good results, adults who are working maybe can earn big bucks and old people, i mean elderly, enjoy their golden years at home! HAHA.
Had pizza hut lunch and KBox singing session with Adele before the movie! This girl came back to Singapore from Japan and she can't wait to see me! Ahem, NPM, if that's not the case just pretend you are eager to see me! Singing session was short 3 hours that I/we felt that we didn't manage to sing much songs ): Dinner at KFC and we walked to PS! Thanks girl from accompanying me while I was waiting for my sister :D
Thanks for you Moo Moo Strawberry sweet from Japan :D
Somehow my sister and I learnt of a good lobang and we bought 2 cartons of Pink dolphin- a total of 48 bottles! It costs us.......
$10!!! $10 for 48 bottles, it's quite a steal, isn't it? :P Okay, I may turn into a pink dolphin soon with over dosage of pink dolphins. LOL, okay I'm exaggerating. But carrying these 2 cartons was a torture. ):
Of course,
out with sister means good food too! I was in good mood and hence foot the bill!s!Okay, I'm not that nice la! More like I was the one with craving or the one who suggested them... Plus my sis is the one who pay for our online shopping.... So good food includes....
Marche (I love the crepe!) and Charles Brown (the Hawaii pizza is rather cheap consider its size. But it's not nice and surprisingly it's not fulling.lol).
And we cold-stoned!!! :D it's BERRY BERRY BERRY NICE! I think there're 3 types of berries, that's why it's berry berry berry nice? :P Finally I get to buy one and eat lots of it with my sister!
out with my family too! We were in town! Had short shopping with mama and she wanted to buy me a dress and a skirt! HAHA, so nice right? I must shop with her more often from now on then she wouldn't nag me from shopping cos she's the one who WANT to buy them for me :P HAHA, but she wanted, but haven buy for me la, so we'll wait and see.
Grandpa's birthday celebration at Tung Lok! Though I am closer to my grandma, I know my grandpa dote me very much. I think I've mentioned before that usually my grandparents will buy cake and stuff to celebrate my birthday. They are a very cute couple. HAHA.
The food are seriously nice! I was quite full that day. Think I could have eaten more if I wasn't feeling unwell! The chicken shark fin soup is very special. It's not like the normal shark fin soup outside. Instead it's more like chicken soup, in a good way. You can taste the freshness and sweetness of the meat and it goes.... yummy!
The duck is damn tender and I think I had 6-8 pieces of them :D The tofu wasn't to my liking, I only had half of it.
Coconut ice cream with hei luo mi! Nice but it got a durian taste! Which means it sort of weird? Cos how can coconut or hei luo mi comes with durian smell?! And my siblings came out with all the funny possibilities which made all of us laugh til stomache! (:
Yi Xin's 21st.
Finally it's yixin's birthday! She's the youngest among our JPS clique! Happy birthday to you yixin, though you're still a 20years old kid right now! HAHA. :D
I actually like most of the photos taken that day! HAHAHAHHAHAH, I was joking to Shimin that I'm tian sheng li zhi, LOL. And I attended the celebration with eyeliner used! HAHA, I think i was too harsh that I drew it too thick! But never mind, it was a good try though (:
I love to be my JPS BFFs. It's like even though we didn't meet up for so long, the feel is still there. It's like so relaxing and we could joke with one another like how we used to in primary school. I seriously miss those catching time and freeze and unfreeze!
Birthday girl pretty pretty huh! And her bf made her a pretty pretty big birthday card! Oh ya, did I mention a twin in her party? Their name super cute! Chen xin and Chen yi aka chen xin chen yi! And I finally get to see yifang :D
Meet up with pam, cs, yt, zy hl
Yt treated me mocacinno at Mac for a short meet up. Pam came and we chatted before heading to Causeway Point to meet ZY HL and CS. Oh ya YT, thanks for the lovely present from BKK! :D Hope you're enjoying your Malaysia trip right now (:
We had dinner meet up at Pizza Hut. Had some catching ups and some conversations were really funny! HAHA. And the last piece of Hawaii which I eyed for was taken by zy! HAHA so cute can!

And I received this cute pouch from my laopos! Presents from Taiwan! Love you girls! I've no idea what I'm going to use it for so for the time being it will be happily rest in my cupboard(:
Timbre with laopos
We finally had a proper meet up after so long :D Went timbre and order pizzas which is quite yummy. And actually the place is not bad in the sense that it's not that expensive (around $13 per pax, depending on what you've ordered) and there's live band. I sort of like live band too, though all angmor songs. But the loud music is slightly unbearable. It's like my mind will wander and thought of some other random stuff in the loud music. May or may not be a good place to have proper serious catch up cos talking after 9.30pm is difficult. Meet up soon again people, but i guess most probably it will be on 7th jan (:
Okay I know it's a long post, but one last thing- I'm so happy that the place I went in my China exchange in JC ain't that bad. As in this place call "qing ming shang he yuan" is quite famous! The painting or don't know what is having an exhibition at expo right now and I was feeling a bit happy that I went to the place before. LOL.

Okay that was kind of random.
that's all people, time to rest at home to nuah and do some stuff. I've been out too much and since no one wants to date me, that shall be my plan. HAHA.
Til then.