Sunday, October 30, 2011

School updates

Hello Humans.

I have decided SU business law. Not a very tough module but I have too many SU to spare. LOL. Just that I have 9AUs left and I don't think I'll be using much in my remaining semester so I shall just use it this semester.  Plus I didn't buy the textbook and I don't think I'll score an A or A- or B+ so SU will be a good option. This means that my final exam period will be relatively lighter since I only have 4 papers to do, and one of it is being SUed. GOOD. Maybe this means that I should work much more harder for other modules. Not a very good semester anyway. But come to think about it, it still endurable.

By the way, I've updated the music of this blog! Hebe's songs are loved to the max! I don't know what happened to yanzi's song but I shall add next time if I remember.

And, I have sort of thought through. If soci decided to be mean, then I shall stay in NTU to study. I will not graduate late just for USA exchange. It's not worth it. I can always go there next time! I can apply to GSS/prelude/work&travel so things aren't that bad IF i can't go. Or worse come to worst, I can always go there as a traveller. And I actually can work harder to pull my GPA with next semester in NTU. I know it's almost impossible to pull up to a second upper, but I'll still try, since at least if I try, I can maintain my current GPA and not fall. Okay, at this these are what I've been telling myself while trying to match courses to GT. At least I wouldn't feel too shocked with rejection. Okay, to go or not to go shall be known tomorrow. If soci decided to be kind, maybe I shall study harder for sociology, LOL.

On a side note, HSS and NTUSU exam welfare thingy is here again. That's fast. These signal that exam is coming and catching up work should start soon. Oh well.
