Hello Humans.
I hope my serious blogging regarding academic didn't scare you all off (or put you all off). Or perhaps simply no one reads my blog and hence there's no advice. Never mind, at least as I was typing, my mind is doing some thinking and it feels good to do some self-talk. (: And if I really do scare you, I'm so sorry but hey, you just see another side of me- I can be happy-go-lucky or a serious freak :D
Happy me was tidying my cupboards on Christmas and Boxing day (Yes I'm a boring freak but I love staying at home to do my own stuff. Plus no one dates me so I'm happily on my own). And there're still many more left to to be tided. It's good to reminisce the good old times with developed photos. And here's photos which I took 14 years ago (when I was 7 years old) when I was cruising with my godma and my grandparents. I still remember how picky I used to be-I only ate lotus paste bun and some other meat, no veggi! HAHA.
I used to look so slim and pretty cute right? At least that's what I think la, so you better say yes! And my hair look pretty straight too right? It's in the genes, tell me it's in the genes! HAHA, why so? Cos I'm once again tempted to perm my hair with Groupon's deal! It's $53 to perm, cut, treatment and wash! Though I'm pretty sure there will be some top up for better products used. But it's still quite attractive. I'm reconsidering whether to perm, though I've decided not to previously since there was no deal. :/
Okay, I shall think about it, and if I can't make up my mind before the deal ends, means I'm not getting it. Whee. okay great. Anyway my hair still looks pretty straight/ wavy in the right way right? Please say yes, then that would make the statement of "straight hair genes is running in my genes" as a valid statement. And yeah, that's my third sister with her new permed hair! Scully I'll have a perm similar to hers. HAHA(:
By the way, do I still look the same- from 14 years ago? HAHA(:
4 more days to the end of 2011. Review and resolution to be done soon. I'll wait till I have the mood and time to do (: