Part-time ah Zhai is back on shift today!
My body is aching! HAHA, all thanks to Amore!
Finally made my second trip yesterday! Well, 10days gone. Left 20 days to make use of the 1-month membership!
Went for 4 classes- CardioLatino, CardioBlitz, Stretch Fit and Yoga! I didn't know they all can be so tiring. Aren't Yoga suppose to be very relaxing? HAHA. I think I nuahed for too long and my stretching and strength are lousy to the max! HAHA. Wait, these two are never good if I'm not wrong. Hmmm. Anyway it's good to feel the ache, this means that I got do some work out huh? HAHA. But the classes are so tiring that I wonder if gym is much more better! LOL.
Went Town with my mama and aunt on Friday! We didn't do much, didn't really shop also lah. Oh ya, saw Triya near PS when we were waiting for the green man! HAHA. She actually can recognise me (well I don't think I've change much except getting fatter and fatter) when we didn't see each other for 4 years or so! Okay we aren't those close friend and in fact we don't really talk, but she's quite a nice person besides being very angmor. HAHA. She's just graduated from University and searching for job in Singapore now! Well, I'm still in Uni Year 2 lah! It's a normal topic to talk about- what are you studing/majoring in?. Hmm, I guess that's a pretty aunavoidable question. HAHA. And the usual question follows- what do you all do in sociology?. HAHA. Well, the road isn't that long so we end the topic half way. LOL.
Davichi's songs are quite nice! Well, though I'm not very into K-Pop and I don't understand Korean language but the rhythm is nice! And I just realised it's been quite a while since I last changed the list of songs. So yay, a new list is here! Haven't been listening to music these days so I'm pretty outdated.
A couple of stuff to be done today. Not that having holiday and with not much other committment = free and relax okay! HAHA.
Can't wait to visit YT's house on 15th! HAHA. Hopefully we can really go there! HAHA :D
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