I hope life have been great or manageable for you so far ! (:
It's common to see people stressed out these days for their academics and family issues. 家家有本难念的经, 人各有各自的烦恼, 没有烦恼是假的. Hopefully all these negative stuff will end soon and all the sad faces will back to happy faces :D
Okay, this is suppose to be a happy post so I shall cast those 烦恼 things aside for the time being!:D
I've been having fun or going out for fun these days! (:
Had great experience and fun in Universal Studio Singapore on Thursday (16Sept2010)! :D It was quite my virgin trip to theme park! Well, I went Genting and played the stuff back in 1997, so that's 13 years ago. Besides some of the small rides in Fun Fair (ie the love fiesta games in JJC in 2007) I can't recall much of theme park trip! USS was great, I felt I'm having holiday in other country and like a tourist! It's a pity that I didn't play much game! The queues were long and there were many people! Photos will be up next time (:
Went Supperclub on Friday(17Sept) with my 3rd sister! (: Well, our purpose wasn't clubbing la, but to support a senior of mine (who have the same name of my sister) who was taking part in a Maybelline contest "the power in you"! I got to admit I was attracted by the goodie bag and yay, since I've won a prize from the voting system in one of the webisode, I shall go down to give my senior some support! Though she didn't win, I believe she definitely have learnt something out of it (:
And lastly, headed town for shopping with 2nd sister yesterday(18Sept)! To my amaze, we actually eye on some similar stuff! HAHA! For instance, she like bangles which my other sisters don't really fancy! Well, we eye on the stuff but we don't buy them! D: So I told her she should buy them and we can share! HAHAH. That's good so I can save some money yay? But too bad, we didn't buy anything D:
Since I'm having pretty much fun these days, they of course come with a price! Sunday is officially my 闭关修炼 day where I have to chiong my readings for Monday tutorial! There's pros and cons but the feeling of lack of time makes me read. But I realized there's so many to catch up. And I nearly forgot that one of my project is due on 6Oct and I've done nothing to it! D:
Oh by the way, Olivia Ong is coming to NTU tomorrow and Adele managed to take tickets! (:
Hopefully it will be another fun day! (: And yay, COCO LEE's concert is coming too! It's on 2Oct! Well, not a big fan of her but I think she's rather HOT or something like that? More fun-to-be days and I shall bucked up and focus in lectures and catch up in studies!
Bean :D
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