Hello Humans.

I'm finally seeing my face on the calendar on my desk:

And I was having craving for this food for a few days and had my tongue satisfied last week!(:

This 麻辣豆腐+鱼圆+菜 is from a Taiwan food stall from Westmall atrium! It was having some fair I guess. Indeed it was very 麻辣 la! There was a long queue when I was leaving Westmall! HAHA.
This post seems to be so random.
Anyway I read finished the book WRONG NUMBER! Any good books to recommend? I'm in a mood to read! I even went to soak in the pool this afternoon! HAHA, okay soaking in the water sounds weird but I didn't really swim at all. So most of the time my sister (second sister) was swimming and I'm just soaking at one end. HAHA(: Swimming is really tough and tiring. I'm a bad swimmer (not even 半桶水). Swimming a lap is a mission impossible to me. It's true.
The weather is good-sunny and windy. The sky was beautiful, really 蓝天白云! It's actually quite relaxing looking at the cloud moving slowly and listening to the rustling sound of the leaves.
That reminds me of ECP.
Went there on 10th July for the Wine Surveyor job! It's quite diao to work there cos there are so many people who seems to be not eligible for the survey. Those who are running or cycling wouldn't be bothered to stop for the survey. Many Malay families were there to have picnic but we couldn't ask them. But I got to be honest, we didn't make the effort to do. X:
The weather was naughty! It was sunny and hot in the afternoon and suddenly the wind became strong and the dark cloud started moving in! The wind was so strong that my hat was blown away! I screamed in desperate and chased after my hat -.- We were looking for shelter just in case the rain comes, but stupidly, we saw a glim and the weather was back to normal! D: This repeated twice before the real rain set in! So we went to Burger Kings to avoid the rain and took a short nap! X: It's not that we don't want to work, it was raining. How to do survey right?! We went back to work after the rain okay! HAH.

Anyway ECP aren't as clean as most people think. Okay, many people also think that it's not that clean either. HAHA. I was at this jetty and this is what I saw:

Yes, these were our lunch! I was hungry but I didn't have much appetite for the food. But yeah, the biscuit with sugar at the top is loved! We had our lunch at busstop and chatted and laughed! An ant invaded Adele, leaving her as a desperate woman. I didn't want to scare her cos that ant is pretty big and it was on her hair! So, maybe it was her breakfast that she left behind on her hair? X: Just kidding, Adele don't angry okay! (: Did 5 surveys within 6hours (with lunch break). Luck only came after lunch! LOL

So dirty right?! Saw many plastic bottles and plastic bags D: Oh I saw small jellyfish too! They are damn cute! (: One of them very cute la, even "knocked" itself onto the side of the jetty! But imagine these poor cuties got trapped in a plastic bag, aww D:
Since I'm talking about surveyor job then I shall continue with the other surveyor job I'm holding. Actually I have only worked two days for the PA surveyor job and I've no idea if I'm going to continue with it. It's a house-to-house survey and the households are pre-selected. I think I'm not in a convenient position in saying what the survey is about so just take it as a normal survey.
Day 1 was bad. It's okay to have people who I don't know to work "with" as a team. It's weird to say we're working together but not together. As in we're mentally, at the same time, working together, but physically split to different blocks. LOL. I have 6 blocks in the list, with perhaps 1/2/3 units for each block. The response rate was terrible and I have to find substitute. It sounds ridiculous but I was unable to find ANY unit to sub for the entire block! Okay not so exaggerating, but I mean that particular few rows. It was damn #$%^&* but for money's sake i shall endure. Worked for 6.5 hours to complete 6 surveys. Not as good as expected but oh well I shall be satisfied.
Day 2 was with Adele, feel much better knowing someone whom I know is working with me. :D This time round we worked around a new area that that's just a few stops away from Jurong Point. So, new area meaning the both of us get to work in the same blocks and the list of units are all within that block! (: That sounds good since I don't have to travel to 6 different blocks. However, we were warned that it's gonna be tough working there according to some feedback. Indeed it was not easy D: Anyway since it was our first time there and we couldn't find any coffee shop, we had these for lunch:

Had many feelings while working for just 2 days. Random thoughts run across my mind. Their lives doesn't seems to be that well-off from the appearance yet they are not tempted by the $5 NTUC voucher! Okay, I shouldn't just judge things on the appearance and assume that everyone is just like me-who will be tempted by that $5 worth of thing. But it's like you just got to stand at your door way and answer a long survey and tatah, here comes some stuff that you'll get to use it! If you're tending a baby or busy with chores, perhaps I still can understand. But watching a TV programme and blah blah blah.. Oh well.
Anyway as I was doing some surveys, I do meet kind souls who offered me to get into their house or to have a cup of tea. I rejected all kind wills as it's better to play safe. Not that I see all as evil but there are wolfs in sheep's attire too. HAHA. Wrong phasing but you got my hint. Anyway they are harmless people nevertheless. Some elderly seems to be quite a poor thing. One talked to me for damn long for things that are not related to the survey but it's okay, i shall just be your listening ears. He seems to be a loner at home and have no one to talk to. So he actually told me what happened to his family, his work and blah blah. Some are quite nice to listen though at times I get tired.
It's a good job since I get to exercise by taking stairs instead of the lift (sometimes only!), getting to do some field work (it's sort of field work right?), talking/listening to people who need a listening ears and of course to be paid. HAHA.
Days as ah zhai ends again and out-of-house routine starts tomorrow.