Birthday Celebration (25th June)

Celebrated my 21st birthday 2 days in advance at Buttercake & Cream at Sunset Way(: I was indecisive whether or not to have a celebration as I thought it would be quite awkward. Moreover none of my family members really know my friends. HAHA, nonetheless I had one, after being psycho-ed by some people. LOL. No worries, I did it on my own will! Don't think i'll regret having one(:
Okay back to topic.
I’m glad that most people turned up that day (:
Friends who turned up:
Besties: Hui Ling, Zhen Ying, Xiao Qing, Pamela and Chang Sheng

JPS BFFs: Calister, Yi Xin and Tiffany

JJC: Yi Qing, Jaime, Feng Yi, Jonathon, Jeremiah, Edward, Serene, Estee and Jeremy
I’m blessed with all the love from people around me. :D And yay, I've a cozy big family!:D
Thank you for joining the celebration and make it a memorable one. Being blur and lost at some instances during the celebration, I felt like a bad host for neglecting friends or family. People like Serene and Estee, I felt terribly sorry that I didn’t even exchange a few words! D: And actually I didn’t talk much to my family too, as in some of them. HAHA, they cute la, said something like we can always take photos next time or what.Yes I know, the more time you spend with some people, the lesser time you’ll get to spend with the others. Nevertheless it’s great catching up with some whom you rarely see or lost in touch! (:

HAHA, 1960 [Edward] was my classmates for 6 years! But hmm, I can't recall much talking to him! Only remember scolding him (and Lim Yong) in upper sec classes and maybe play Dai di? HAHA, and of course project work la. He blur blur sia, didn't even know Jaime and YiQing got put braces before! HAHA. Actually I also don't recall much talking to Jiro too! Why huh? I think we really didn't talk much in school. Only maybe when we go home together and talk stupidly while walking from BB to BG? HAHA, used to be xue zhang now going to be my xue di liao! WAHAHA.

My first LaoPo in HSS! Not Humanities and Social Science but Hillgrove Secondary School! HAHA. You're forever the quiet and sweet girl since day 1 I know you! Though I don't really like Ms Ng but I really got to thank her for forcing us to get into groups! HAHAHA(: Great that both of us remember how we get to know each other yay! Oh man, miss our days as Chinese Rep (though nothing much to do also) and days you sat in front of me! Though you're not the out-spoken kind, but those mo-mo de guang xin wo gan shou dao! :D Thanks for the lovely card! I love handmade card! Cos they also filled with love and effort! The content of the card damn touching! I love you my dearest friend!

DaNai/HL/Bay/Coconut/BayBaoBao. Don't ask me why she got so many names cos some I also can't recall! X: Don't ask me how we get to know each other too cos I've no idea too! HAHAH. All I know is during one of the SJ days? HAHA. The Ma Hui Ling from 1E2/2E2 who Mr Yang kept telling our class (E1). LOL. Miss you being the timer, the one who laughed at me when I fell asleep in Mr Yang class (though he knew I was sleeping but he was kind enough to let me continue flying in my lalaland), miss walking home with you (be it in Sec or JC), miss eating all the so-called sinful junkfood and blahblahblah! Oh ya, miss you bullying me! HAHA, yes you're a bully, as usual. OOPS.

XiaoQing/Jeanette/XiaoLaoPo/KeXinBoQing. Preferred the first and last name of hers! HAHA. Can't remember how we got to know each other. If we're not wrong it was during a Public Duty and we got to take a bus together and we started our conversation that led to potato leaves! HAHA, I was quite a fuss in vegetable last time and potato leaves is one of the few veggi I eat! LOL. That's how our friendship blossom yay! HAHA. Miss all your crappiness and SJ days! One for all, all for one! Thanks to you I got to really more accept vegetarian food! I got to admit that I used to dislike it to quite large extend and wouldn't really want to give it a try. But yay, some vegetarian food are not bad! :D

Thanks the four ladies above! Especially Adele and Valerie!(: Valerie is my first Uni friend in NTU! HAHA. I still can sort of imagine how we met though I wasn't sure whether that's how we met. It was during the first tutorial that we met. Approached her since she was alone too! HAHA, thanks for being such a helpful friend! She's willing to share knowledge and ideas and I'm so love it! If not her, I don't know how to start with some essays! Remember she suggested ideas for HS102 essay and HS219 essay! :D Got to know Adele in Year 1 sem 1 too! We were in the same tutorial group for HS102 and we were in the same "debate" team with Jeremy and Justina!(: But we only get to know each other better in sem 2(: Thanks for being there for me! But seriously she have to quit her addiction-Coke. NTU should remove some machines out there huh. We must jiayou okay, we can do it. (:
By the way do we look alike? I know we sort of look like each other in some ways or another. HAHA. Adele even commented that my da jie looks like skinny version of me but she prefer me! AWW that's so sweet can! HAHA. Actually more people say I look my da jie then my 2nd and 3rd sis more alike. Is it is it?

Guess Wristlet from Adele WanXuan and YiLin :D and accessories from Valerie! Now I can wear different "flowers" to school sia! HAHA(:

I'm so in love with the cup-cake card! I guess it's done by Yixin! So chio can! At first I still thought they bought the cards till I take a closer look! Tan Yi Xin you really good. I mean your handicraft/arts really damn chio! ADM is really where you belong man! And yes even the envelop is nicely decorated with all the bling blings! HAHAH. The Charles and Kieth bag is really chio too! I don't know if it's too small for school but shall see how! I'm so glad that despite that we are physically getting further and further throughout the years, we still make some effort in keeping in touch with each other. I really miss JPS. Of course I miss you girls the most-Calister Yixin Eileen Tiffany Shimin(: I miss basketballing with you. I miss badminton with you. I miss running around playing catching etc! Oh the great good old days! And all the love-letters and comics! HAHA(: Please say there's a meet up soon!

Presents from S28[YQ Jaime FY Jon Jiro Edward Serene]! (: The bag is big and I throw all my barang barang into it! HAHA(: and I love classic design(wristlet)!(: Plus inside can put many cards! (: Thanks people! :D

Cake is proudly sponsored by my third sis! :D She even got me a wallet from Valentino Rudy! :D Bro gave angbao and a bag from BKK! Now I've 5 new bags! HAHAH which one should I bring to school man! LOL. HL don't give me that irritated face hor I tell you.


P.S. Thanks Laopos for coming early to help out! And thanks Bay for being my P.A. (:
P.S.S: The post turned out to be much longer than expected X:
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