I sort of missing fringe at this length. Maybe I should get a cut for my fringe soon. HAHA. perhaps D.I.Y..
Anyway, yesterday was great! :D
Dad invited me and shan to have breakfast at McDonalds! We went to the near one which is near NP. My dad is so cute la! He was like "HUH!" when we told him that there's no offer on Saturday. HAHA. Then he blamed my sister for not having it with him on Friday cos she wanted me to join them! WHEE, both of them so cute can! Anyway, he was saying that it would be great if we can come to have mac breakfast to "relax" once every month! Well, we'll see how! Since my dad will be the one treating us! HAHA.
Headed to dad's shop and cleaned up his office before heading to meet my second sister (xin)! :D We went shopping at Bugis and Town! (: We spent a great deal of $140, all paid by my sister of course! HAHA. That's why I love shopping with her cos I wouldn't be paying! WAHAHHAHA. She bought me a slippers and a sandals! WHEE. and bangles! HAHA, basically she's willing to buy if I eye on anything cos we rarely shop together.
Okay, I'm not an evil sister. I spent her money wisely (: I look at the price tag if the figure goes much above the expected price then byebye! She was asking me why didn't I eye on any top/dress then I tell her cos I'm used to buying not-so-exp stuff (it's subjective but ahem, I love cheap goods) -.-
I know I know, I shouldn't be buying those cheap clothes that are produced in a poorly-conditioned factory where the workers have to work 7days per week with super low pay since the company is sucking all the money. Oh well, I know I'm indirectly supporting this unethical capitalism but I'm so sorry. Maybe they're of bad qualities. Maybe I should stop supporting this. Maybe, maybe.
Anyway,we spent almost 6 hours non-stop without having lunch (but of course we had snacks-sushi, bacon sausage, fruit juice, jelly, famous amos cookies and brownie) shopping! HAHA. We finally got to rest at around 9pm to have dinner at Hans! By the way, we only went Far East! HMMM. Xin ordered the horfun which we love! But surprisingly there's a **** inside which she nearly swallowed! Well, it's a non-living, but it's a metallic thingy! D: We told the manager and got a new plate. She was too tired from all the shopping and the managers seems to be quite sincere so we let the matter off. After finishing her hor fun, the waitress came to our table and gave us ice-cream! HAHA, not bad (: Had a great chat with her over the dinner too! Though we were damn beat off but yay, it was a great day! :D
I think I spent this weekend quite fulfilling (: Though I waste my whole Friday (okay too exaggerating, I mean up till 6pm) on COM204 assignment and shopping on Saturday, I managed to read my HS314 notes for next next tutorial and mind map for it! Well, not that I'm guai or what, cos I can foresee busy weeks ahead! Moreover, quality time was spent on Saturday.
Okay, it's dinner time!
Hopefully I can continue reading later! HAHAHHA, though I think it's quite impossible.
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