“We are pleased to inform you that you have cleared the preliminary round and have made it to the Semi-Finals, under the General category. Congratulations!”
12th Start-Up@Singapore Preliminary Round Results was released on Monday.
I actually feel quite nervous when I received the email, not knowing whether our team will make it through. Surprisingly, this pretty good news didn’t really make me super happy. It’s good to be one of the top 35 best plans selected among all the submitted entries. I guess it’s the effort, work and presentation that lies ahead that worries me. Now we have to develop the 3 page executive summary into a 25 page business plan. Hopefully I wouldn't be as tedious as I think, since we've done one business plan for the module within 1 week before.
The semi-finals will be on 2 April and the business plan has to be submitted by 26th March. Oh well, that’s the busiest period of the semester with 1 essay and 4 quizzes. D: Since like I better start chionging some of my HS314 and do up the mindmaps so more time can be devoted for the preparation of the quizzes, essay, assignment and the business plan.
Recess week, shall not be a relaxing week though it ought to be D: My friend/tutorial mates were damn surprised that there's an essay and quiz after the recess week! HAHA, one even say "shouldn't the recess week for us to rest?!". Actually I've got used to recess week being one of the busiest week instead. Since essay will be chiong during that week. A good thing is that I only have one essay for this sem! Moreover it's a pair/threes assignment! :D
Nonetheless, I'd still wish for some rest and pleasure during recess. Who needs some music therapy? I realise it's been quite a while since I visit KTVs leh! Hopefully I'll be available for one day with someone/ people (ahem,hints to those who say will accompany go one. I still got evident one leh!)! HAHA :D
I should be doing my COM204 assignment now, instead of typing post after post. I've been ponning this COM204 lecture (I only attended once). Not that the lecturer is boring, just that I've no mood for the lecture and the lecture seems to be pon-able. Just read my notes will do. :D Seems like I'm really a bad student. Oh well, at least I tried to read my notes right? LOL.
It's 8.58pm yet I've not eaten. Partly cos my dinner (my mama) is not back and I'm still a bit full from my Mr Bean set meal and cheese hotdog. X:
Stop slacking, time to work.
Enjoy your weekend! :D
P.S. Ideas.Inc (another business competition)'s result will be out tomorrow. Oh well, what if we make it through once again? xP
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