Hello Humans.
I've no mood to finish up my HS215 reading before coming online X: Only completed half of that 43 pages of reading ): Perhaps will get back to it later when I've the mood!
Anyway, I think most probably I'll be accepting GIP's offer to Georgia Tech (USA) IF nothing goes wrong! Though there's uncertainty and worries, it would definitely make a great difference to me. Moreover by accepting the offer doesn't 100% guarantee me that Georgia will accept me. Though I'm still not ready for whatever that lies ahead, we'll shall how things go. I'm still waiting for my passport and transcript to be ready! ): Hopefully GIP office aren't that strict for deadline submission.

As I get a bit worry for my passport and texted xq, she sort of reminded me that we haven't seen each other since my birthday! I mean the 4 of us.

Anyway, attended 2 birthday parties on 27th August 2011!

Tatah, that's me yiqing serene(the birthday girl) and yonghong. Stayed for around an hour and cabbed to Fengyi's house!

Back to normal school life from next week onwards. No more impromptu holiday or public holiday. Maybe serious studying should start soon, as in consistent effort and work. Soon.
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