Time flies! 4 months of slacking is coming to an end. D':
I didn't do all the stuff on my to-d0 list for this ultra long holiday. Things like jogging, badminton and job hunt did not happen. Well, at least I've plenty of rest and fun. At least I TRIED to help out in my parents' shop. At least I've learnt something new such as volunteering in the first ever Youth Olympic Game which many Singaporeans don't bother about, but I've benefited from the 7days of volunteering. I don't meet many new friends, I don't even think we will keep in contact or what, but at least the short hours we had is pretty okay! Moreover, I've learnt what is handball and meet all the nice, pretty and handsome athletics. They have to train super hard just for the game, for their countries, and of course for themselves. 果然是台上一分钟,台下十年功! 输了没关系,下次再接再厉就好。 Also, I've meet up with my beloved friends and tried vegetarian BBQ! Sorry for not being able to have meet-up with some of my friends, but we'll meet up one fine day yay?
Well, I still dread school. 4 months of slacking is so long that I've got used to this kind of lifestyle. No work, no studies, no boring readings, no travelling to NTU, no praying for not being called by tutors or lecturers, and of course no presentation. Okay, time to face reality and embrace my Year 2 Sem 1! I'm hoping for a better circle of friends, not that the current one is bad. I mean I need to enlarge my circle of friends in school. Nonetheless I still hope that I can stick with Adele and Valerie, but we're not always in the same tutorial group or taking the same modules!
The allocation for GERPE is out today! SIANJIPUA! D: I only got 4 modules:
1. HS 201 classic social theory
2. HS 205 organization and organization change
3. EE8084 cyber security
4. MS 4030 engineers and society
I bet I'll suffer badly for classes in HS201! It's all about thoeries which I seriously hate in Sociology! Perhaps all those theories are the main reason for why I don't enjoy my course. I'm praying that EE8084 and MS4030 will be fine since there's no tutorial and basically that's the reason for choosing them! HAHA. I've to admit tutorial is my 致命伤 so if I can escape from it, why not? I still got to add 1 or 2 more modules for this sem, 14AUs for this sem is just too little and I believe I can study more la. A third class honours is definity not enough so I'm hoping to improve more this sem, and hopefully I can acheieve a second lower honours gpa this time round. I shall 朝着目标冲啊!! (though it's hard to cast aside all those negative thoughts!)
Anyway, I shall pray to get a free Tuesday and the rest of the modules like CS100, BS101 and maybe EN105!
EN105 is a entrepreneurship modules that will complete in just one week but that all the sessions will take place in the one and only week of holiday D: HOW HOW should I take it? Please advice! :D
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