I've completed my 7days of volunteering for YOG :D
Well, I think the 7days pass pretty fast!

On day 3, I met another stretcher bearer (jing xin) and a paramedic assistant (according to her facebook, she's maria sam. Well, i forgot her name X:) Maria looks like a Malay, that's what most of us would assume since her skin tone looks like what the Malays would have. Well, she's from Myanmarand she's a Buddhist instead of Muslim! The In-charge didn't issue her the meal voucher since he/she thought she was fasting! HAHA. That's quite bad for people to assume that she's a Muslim as she adores pork very very much! HAHA, people would give her a weird look when she queue for non-halal food sia! We had a long chat which lasted almost 2.5 hours since no team turned up for their training! Nice to know her cos time really pass faster that way! After she left, Singapore boy team came for their training. Well, the coach is a China lady who speaks Mandarin. The Chinese in the team have to translate for those non-Chinese in the team. Well, I couldn't catch what the coach was saying and it's quite amazing that those boys managed to. Unlike the boys from other countries, Singaporean boys are rather not-so-build and they have the average height of normal Singaporean boys in their 15s. After that was Egypt team. Damn tall can! This guy was like playing with the handball as if it's basketball. So the ball roll towards my direction so I picked it up. His freaking knee caps were above the normal canteen table whereas common people like me have mine below the table top! D: I was truly amazed by his height-2.11M! OMG la!
Day4 was the most sianz day! All trainings for handball were cancelled or no show D: Was like waiting for our lunch and off we go! Got to know an Indian lady who is 28 years old but still studying nursing in poly. Well, she keep went for nursing then navy then mass comm and back to nursing! At least now where her passion lies! A doctor came and sit with us and we had a short chat. I find it so irritated and sianjipua whenever people ask me what's sociology is, what I like about it (i'll just say i still don't find my interest in it and they will go on asking why), what can I be in the future etc. The 2 of them commented that it would be better to switch since I don't enjoy what I'm doing. Well, where my interest lies? I don't know.

Day 6 was assigned to swimming pool again! It wasn't that bad this time round. There were China and Japan teams. I was turning my head around and happen to see this guy swimmer heading to the guy change room and I just starred at him. HAHA, and he smiled to me la! WHEE, ME ME ME ME! Guess that he's from China, but he's still quite cute-looking and those muscles he has wasn't that scary! LOL. But chey, no pin for me la, LOL. Then later, the 28years old Indian lady told me that the photographer was talking to himself! HAHA, but actually he was talking to her/us but we didn't notice! HAHA. Then he asked if I could help him with his photographing of the Jap Swimmers! Well, I only managed to catch bit and pieces of what he said since he's a Jap. So he took photos for each of the swimmers and I got to hold a thing which is to make the photo seems like 3D. And too bad, he only thanked me verbally without any pin! My friend was like "why don't you ask from him since you helped him?!". Well, the other uncle stretcher bearer asked the Jap photography regarding to the pins and he said we can buy it ourselves -.= Headed to PS to meet my sister after my duty to buy a pants since we can enjoy a 50% off. (:

I trying to catch Handball finale online but it's damn lag D:
Anyway, should I cut my fringe or let it grow so i can tuck it at the back of my ears next time? HMM, tell me via tagboard yay? (:
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