My Year One Sem Two result is OUT!
I didn't know till Sharlen SMS me yesterday night! Well, I thought it's supposed to be out on 1st of june... So I switch on my lappy though I don't intended to. I would say that I'm quite happy with my result! :D Though it's quite far from the ideal grades to obtain, I improve by 0.24 and managed to get GPA of 3.52 which is just nice for a lower second class! I know it's still quite bad but hey, it's good to improve and there're rooms for improvement! :D So hopefully I can keep improving every sem then I'll be super happy le!
MP8083->A :D :D :D :D
HS202,203,204 and HW111 are core modules that I must pass in order to process on smoothly, so can pass I'm quite happy le! Moreover HS203 (related to economic), HS204 (related to culture, self and identity) and HS219 (sci and tech) are very difficult! (at least to me la)! I've no choice but to take the cores but I was damn regretted to take HS219 at my second tutorial! All I remember is complaining it to my friends and praying not to be called in the tutorial. HAHA. HS202 was quite okay considering the tutorials require the most 10% interaction with the rest! HAHA. I guess taking modules with no tutorials do me more good! LOL.
Well, a B is good enough for me! I wonder why people are so sad for getting Bs. Perhaps it's the lower expectation that I have. People, kan kai yi dian ba! But frankly speaking I was quite disappointed to get a B for my HW111 cos my assignments managed to get A-,B+ and a B-! But I believe it's the B- and the stupid e-learning quizzes that pull down my grade! (cos I've done some calculation to show whether there's any calculation mistake by the teacher). Oh well, I shall put in more effort for e-learning quizzes next time!
As for my MP8083, which is an engineering module (Frontier Engineering) for Unrestricted Electives,it's rather a GREAT SURPRISE! First time in my University life I see an A on my result! I'm damn happy can! Cos I didn't expect my kiddish poster, the last-minute MEMS report and the crappy final paper help me cling an A!
Did some calculation, overall GPA for year one is 3.4! RAH! Nearly hit 2nd lower honors la!! 6 more sems to go! Bye Bye B- and hello more B or even B+! HAHA. I guess my motivation is improve my GPA by at least 0.24 each sem to get rid of 3rd class! JIAYOU BA!
For those are not so happy with your result, we still have 2/3 more years to go, so let's jiayou ba!:D
bean :D
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