Harley Davidson!! I read it in one of my Sociology readings! If not I wouldn't know what is it. LOL.
So many of them!!
Happy Mothers' Day! :D
And we headed to KeYi's house the next day! (: that's her nursery uniform!
So basically our routine is to wake up, wash up, breakfast, prepare to fetch KeYi, play with KeYi, watch Movie using our lappy (luckily we brought it!) when KeYi having her nap, bathe, watch TV, dinner, watch TV and sleep! :D
She wanted us to teach her dancing! HAHA.
See, she's damn excited can a not!
I'm dancing!;D
Dance or stretching? I'm not sure. HAHA.
She tickled me! HAHA. :D
Cute right? :D
Oh ya, she loves taking photos. I was damn worry to let her hold my camera!
The above photos were taken by Ke Yi. actually I like those photos :D
She posed! :D
Grandpa :D
with shan! :D
with ME!:D
And yes she helped us take picture again :D
HAHA, she act shy one la!
The place quite nice right? (:
KeYi's funny classmate! :D
All cute litte kids. But I dislike one of them. It's bad to ask your mama to carry your bag. And little kids should hold their mama's hand when crossing the road! Bad manner you've got. Hmm.
On the day that we were leaving, it was one of KeYi's classmate's birthday. So they gave out present to each of the little kids :D
If i'm not wrong the Indian boy was the birthday boy :D
She's a well manner girl! :D
Joanne, she don't talk to anyone in the school. And she cried when her mama helped her to take her shoes from the shoe rack..
Walking her home! :D
Walking her home! :)
KeYi shared some of her goodies with us! :D it's been long time since we had Jelly!
Nicely decorated bag. :)
Sweet smile! :D
Little kids love small presents! ;D
She loves to pose.
Okay that's all for the Malaysia trip photos! :D I enjoyed my stay though the routine can be quite boring, but i get to play with KeYi and get an experience of having a younger sibling! :D Hopes she'll remember me when she gets older cos I don't know what was going on in my life when I was 3.5 years old!
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