Hello Humans.
Week 3 of school has ended. How fast right?!
These weeks have been pretty busy.
Timetables has finally finalized! I'll be having 3 days week for school- Monday (7hrs of lessons!), Tuesday and Thursday! (: Dropped my Chinese, French and Communication Studies (COM206) for Business Law (GERPE) and an other elective Media in China (CS8004)! Hopefully right choice is made cos whatever I'm taking are so unexpected. Electives better score well, cross my fingers. 3 days of school makes me feel a bit slack, but there're so many things to do! But at less 2 out of 5 modules aren't that heavy (:
Anyway, after 2 years, I'm finally taking same course as my BFF la! CS sai sort of "introduced" me Media in China, and we attended our first lecture (okay his second lecture) together with Adele (:
Every week I feel that I'm rushing for my HS215 readings (for mindmap) and HS401 readings (600-700 words of memo) D: Oh well, it will get better I guess. x: Have been neglecting other modules like HS301 and assignments ): Okay, things will get better as it goes.
Anyway, Adele is so sweet to get me these from her BKK trip:

Attended Internship fair in NTU on Wednesday!
Went all the way to NTU just to collect brochures and write our contacts -.- There aren't much choices from HSS/Soci undergraduate. Sianjipua. Anyway we were a bit overdressed cos actually many people dress in their normal school days! LOL. But there are still people in Shirt and Pants and Tie and Blazer! So we aren't that overdressed. Anyway my outfit is not formal right? It's more like smart casual or semi formal. Okay, I don't know which category does it lie.

Presidential Election tomorrow! No chance to vote like again. Too bad can't visit Hilly, LOL. Never mind, at least I still have 2 birthday parties to attend tomorrow! :D
And yes I'm so in love with Channel 8 9pm drama! Loves Lee Nan Xing, HAHA(: Mediacorp these days have nice 9pm dramas! why why why seduce me?!
Bean (:
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