Hello Humans.
I'm like spamming my blog with posts -.-
But never mind, I just want to update stuff before school starts TOMORROW. That reminds me of my remaining 70+ pages of soci readings for tomorrow's lecture. I'm so slacky and lazy to read them. It took me 2 hours to read 11 pages yesterday! Can't really remember what I read, but should be something related to social facts as thing? Oh well.
Anyway, I've been to help out my dad's shop for days! Not doing sales but as a cleaner. HAHA. Wait, not really a cleaner, I don't know how you gonna spell it, is it ah sum or something like that? The second floor just renovated and since I'm free of studies and quite good in tidying things, I decided to tidy my dad's and my sister's office(:

Do you know what's on the top RHS? It's actually Tamagotchi, a childhood toy! Each of us got one but it's spoiled/no battery. Remember last time I'll feed my pet with lots of food and let it shit without clearing them! HAHAHA, I'm so evil!
The bottom 2 items are quite old too! Didn't know my dad bought and collect those CDs! HAHA. The pink booklet is actually passport! Cute right?
The movie theater was quite empty, we weren't very early, perhaps like 10/15minutes before the showing? Probably most people catch it once the movie is out, but I'm glad that the theater wasn't pack (: Anyway I'll miss hairy harry.D:
The strawberry chocolate on the top is $3.50 with 7 small packets inside. Not bad cos sort of expensive? HAHA, Japan food is seldom cheap anyway. The candy with cute container costs $3.60. Of course it's not as cute as hello kitty's but it is much cheaper! Anyway I suppose the candy taste the same for both!
It was quite disappointing as I thought some creamy filling will be inside! ): Plus the flavour is not as strong! ): A packet with 9 packets inside is $12! ):
Okay this is random but this makes me like a person who adores blue flower. LOL.

HAHA, that was taken 2 years back when I've no idea which Uni and course I'm going into. But I chose the right one- NTU Bachelor of Arts (Honours). So even if I didn't get to take family portray when I graduate, I'm still in the right outfit. HAHA.

Was craving for curry vegetable from this vegetarian stall at Tekka Market. Love their curry vegetable! Wanted to add fried beancurd skin but too bad, SOLD OUT! D: So I ended up eating very healthy- curry veggi (not so healthy though), bean sprout and long bean. LOL.
Went out with sis on 28th to catch our hairy Harry Potter! (: Had Macs for lunch before movie! McSpicy is super nice as usual! Have you tried the Spicy Mcgrill? I think it's not bad but sort of expensive. The meal after changing to twister fries and ice milo cost near to $9! I could have eaten some other better food. So yup, just to try it for once and only and shall switch back to McSpicy. LOL.

Came across this store call Bonjapan or related to Bonjapan at Orchard Central. As you can see from the name, it's related to Japan! Japan's packaging is indeed great and nice! We were tempted so we spent our $10 OC voucher and some cash in the store!

And we also bought this honeydew-flavor cake from the store!

Anyway got their membership card! It is super cute! Plus it's free! (: HAHHAHA. They only accept 5000 member annually!

Was testing which bag to bring for school but most of them are school-unfriendly! For instance, this bag is damn heavy despite putting so few items-wallet, umbrella, bottle, jacket and a pile of paper ):
Back to school is super sian. How can 2.5 months pass so fast?! Well, I'm expecting 2 years to end pretty fast and I'll be wearing a grad robe with a cert in my hand like this:

Anyway I'm not looking forward to year 3 as it's bad even before it starts! I might be having 6 hours of sociology lectures followed by 1 hour of sociology of tutorial (after 1 hour break) on Monday. Tell me how not to complain and dislike Monday! 6hours of lectures for straight is a mental and physical torture ): Guess I may have to bring apple, banana, sweets and biscuits to munch during lectures! The course coordinator even anwei me by saying I'll have a easier week with 3 days for school. I'd rather a 4 days-week with less packed schedule.
Plus I have to appeal for my COM module, so mafan! ): And the Chinese module (HC252) that I've got is related to sociology! LOL. Maybe I should appeal to another Chinese module. But a cute thing is that we can use either English or Chinese to deliver our work for that Chinese module! Yet, Chinese readings make me feel so O.O. It's not like those juicy gossip news on Wanbao but those intellectual stuff in Chinese. HMMM.
I've to prepare myself for all those heavy reading from ALL modules that I'll be taking (maybe except for COM, I've no idea) and essays!
Targeted GPA of 4.24 seems to be impossible, but i'll still try to work towards it. There can be miracles, when you believe. HAHA, reminds me of that song. Anyway I hope I wouldn't fall too back. I foresee a grumpy me complaining about school for the next few months. I can feel the stress, so pardon me from doing it on my blog/FB.
December, I start counting down soon. LOL.
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