Hello Humans.

As overseas exchange have been on my list before graduation from NTU, I've applied for INSTEP and GIP weeks ago.
I wasn't pinning much hope for overseas exchange (im not very sure why) and the urge of exchanging aren't that strong, so I was like didn't bother much about them cos the worries shall comes if only it is necessary.
And now, worries is here. (And, I can't find my thinking cap.-.-)
The result for both were released few days back.
Just before the official date of the release of INSTEP round 1 result, this is what I got:
"Dear Student,
We thank you for your patience and recent INSTEP application. As you are aware, we endeavor not to have double offers with GIP. Thus, after careful review we are unable to offer you a placement in INSTEP (round 1) as you have been offered a GIP placement.
Congratulations on your placement in such a wonderful program. I’m sure you will enjoy your time overseas immensely!!
Thank you,
INSTEP"Thank you,
I was like "AM I OFFERED A PLACEMENT IN GIP? WHY DIDN'T I RECEIVE EMAIL FROM THEM?!" I was quite disappointed cos' I got "rejected" from INSTEP due to the unofficial offer from GIP. Why can't INSTEP offer me a place since they release the result earlier than GIP (GIP didn't indicate when the result will be out)?! But oh well, GIP's application deadline was far before INSTEP. And it's official offer from GIP, is that just an excuse to deal with the overwhelming application for INSTEP?
And the next day, this is what I've received.
We are pleased to inform you that you are selected to participate in our programme, details of which are as follow:
GIP Study: Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America...."
Oh well, now it's official. I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be if I got selected for it. To be frank I prefer INSTEP cos I've put Sweden and Netherlands!
1) It's like I prefer Europe than USA, though language will be an issue in Europe. My bad for dropping French.
2) Surprisingly, Georgia Institute of Technology is my first choice, out of RPI and UW. Why do I say it's surprising is that though there's a list of Sociology modules that are offered in GT, they are rarely offered! Oh man I've to clear at least 3 Soci next sem if not I can't do my FYP sia.
3) Another thing,which is a major issue, is Adele didn't receive email from GIP! ): How can I, such a dependent person, go overseas alone?
4) And yes, money money money. Estimated cost is like $15.200. Estimated cost only leh, tell me money drop from sky can.
5) I need to renew my passport before exchange cos mine expires in Oct 2012, where December 2012 is the required. If I were to renew it, hopefully nothing will go wrong from my BKK tickets (pray hard like what adele said!).
6) I'll be badly missed by some people, like my sister! HAHA(:
Thought of risking by rejecting GIP and wait for second round for INSTEP. That's risky in some sense that I may have no chance to go for overseas exchange, plus companion issue. I think GIP will hate me if I reject them again, cos I rejected the work and study programme to China by them last semester X: But I will have to reject them if I can't add Soci mod.
Maybe I shall just attend the briefing like last semester, then decide how. Maybe maybe. Any suggestions?