21st Birthday (27th June 2011)
Hello Humans.
I've officially enter adulthood.

What a coincident, my mum's lunar birthday actually falls on the same day as my angmor birthday! Good cos' we get to celebrate today! HAHA. My grandma was like "are you a Chinese or an Ang mor" when I took her that it was my Ang mor birthday! HAHA(: Then I answered I'm a Chinese who had Angmor education!

Anyway, actually we just had a simple lunch together at Mandarin Court.

It's "free" since my mum joined their membership! Of course we have to pay for the membership, but the benefits for member aren't really good, at least that's what we feel. Other hotels seems to be better! OOPS. And guess what, we actually brought the wrong voucher and the person actually wanted us to visit the restaurant again! Hello, we made all our way there liao leh. HAHA, luckily my mum managed to talk till the person allow us to bring the voucher back within the week! HAHA. Anyway the wine that we are holding is free too! Wine wine wine, maybe I should learn how to drink wine huh? HAHA.

This is the third dish, 2 prawns and 2 slices of duck meat! I love prawn but seriously why must they add wasabi to the sauce for prawn. I dislike the taste.

Fourth dish: Mee suan! Just nice we get to eat mee suan on our birthday! :D To me it's a bit salty, but overall it's nice (:

And the manager gave us shou tao! :D Cos I mentioned to the manager that it was my mum birthday and we came here happily to celebrate and it wouldn't be nice for them to ask us use that stupid voucher next time when we made the trip down specially that day(since need to make reservation etc). Happy us ate the shou tao :D

Last dish of all is of course dessert: jelly! :D It tastes sour but nice! :D

Took some photos before we left the place! Initially we planned to have some shoppings since we have quite a few vouchers to be spent. But end up my mum went to my dad's shop and my sister came to accompany me! HAHA(:

Cam-whored in the toilet with shan before shopping!(: I bought a $29.90 Mango dress and Shan bought a $19.90 shorts at Uniqlo! Actually I wanted to spend my $100 Springfield voucher and I don't mind adding $40 to get both a dress and a top. But the salesperson said we can't use it for promotional item. What's worse is that they weren't sure whether we could use it since they don't usually see it! Hello, it specifically state PS outlet and usually don't see it means you saw it before! Angry am I, I flared at the person! HAH, neh just kidding. I was just using my angry tone. Got to rush off so the person suggested that they will get back to me after they checked with their supervisor. I'm not an unreasonable customer and I couldn't bear to make them pay for the $100 if the voucher is not supposed to be used. But hee, they called and said I can use the voucher to get that $99 dress. (:
Anyway, have you ever heard that in fact of celebrating your own birthday, maybe you should celebrate it for your mama who had a hard time giving birth to you?
Thanks mum (and of course dad) for giving birth to me. At age of 40, giving birth is definitely not an easy task. Perhaps my mum was trained since I'm the fifth child. Nevertheless, it was a hard time giving birth to me. I refused to come out. HAHA. And actually my dad thought that the fifth child is a boy cos naughty me sort of gave the wrong signal during the ultrasound scan.
Thanks for giving me a big and warm family. Though a big family may have many disputes and it can be damn noisy since all of us speak quite loudly (damn disturbing during exam period) but big family have its benefits too! The family get to save money by passing clothes, textbook, shoes and whatever down from the eldest child to the youngest child! That explains why my uniforms for Kindergarden, Primary school and JC are not really my size! Skirts were super short and blouse changed colour! HAHA, no choice, it's not that wise to waste money to buy a few sets of uniform for 1 or 2 years since I've no younger siblings to pass to. And actually I grow very fast, that's why I was almost my sisters' height even when I was young!
As the fifth child, I get to be doted by every single one. I don't know why but I seems to be the guai-est among all, and that explains why I'm being doted. My birthday seems to be the biggest in the family. Like there'll be cakes etc. HAHA, maybe I'm the first to have birthday since the rest are in July, October and November! (:
Thanks for giving me the best. Be it health, education or what. Thanks for the birdnest before final examinations. To be honest my parents aren't putting much pressure on us for our studies. Though they may have some hopes for us, like hoping us to get in Commonwealth/Swiss Cottage Secondary School which none of us did (I don't know why but they mentioned one of these schools before), they don't really matter if we could get Second Upper or Second Lower for Honors. It would be good for us just to graduate from University. Doesn't put much pressure does not mean no pressure. HAHA, somehow they do get disappointed at times. So, actually I'm the one who put pressure on myself for studies. I don't mind being stressed as I think it's sort of motivation. But overstressing is something I know I'll try to avoid if possible. Yet I don't think I've ever reach that stage yet.
I don't know why I seems to be the bubbly cheerful lame person to most. And perhaps people may presume that I or anyone who are bubble cheerful and lame should not feel emo or sad at times. I don't know but maybe I'm one of them. Humans have emotions, so I'll say cheerful people have the rights to emo too? HAHA. Of course emo emo jiu hao, emo should have its limited period and should not be too much. Okay I'm getting off topic.
For the past 21 years, I've been living a good life. I'm surrounded by nice people who love and cares about me, be it family or friends. I've maintain a good health overall and have achieve rather good academically. So far so good. Good is a subjective term, but in my life is good according to my dictionary.
Thanks for everything.
P.S.: Updates on Bean Creamy 21st and Holiday in Spore soon when I have the time (:
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