Hello Humans.
Finally have some time to update here. (:
Basically this is how I spent some of my days:

Starting from Left: Valerie, yours truly, Adele and YiLin
Met Adele at 10+ at Harbour front to send her hard-drive to hospital! It was a ulu place and we got to walk under the hot sun! Sat and crapped in the air-conditioned room while hard-disk is under operation!

Lunched at mac before heading to Chinatown to meet YiLin and we took quite some time to find $10 club! Val who was late reached shortly after us! HAHA. First time for me to sing quite a number of ang mor songs! Quite fun when we all sang together(: Dinner at People's park complex/market before heading home. Sole of sandals came off and I was damn sianjipua and worried that's a bad sign. LOL.

Honestly speaking, I didn't know what to expect for the result. I would really wish for good GPA to pull up my cGPA and to meet my target GPA of 4. Yet, finals were unpredictable and my estimated pre-final grades were far from the grades that I wished for most modules. Checked result after getting home. Saw cGPA 3.66 which is above expectation of 3.6. I was a cGPA 3.53 and the jump in figure did put me in some doubts. I was wondering how did I manged to get such improvement? Didn't I expect myself to do badly/not as good for some papers? To get a cGPA of 3.66 means B+ for each modules. I know probably some people will think "neh it's just 3.66". But to me that's good enough for the time being since it's within my goal. (: I don't expect a big jump which is unrealistic you see.
By the way Adele called me twice to inform me the update of cGPA and release of individual module's grade. Sorry that I might be a little rude by saying "why are you calling me" cos' we've said that we'll communicate through SMS/MSN. Paiseh that I sort of need time to "sort my feeling". HAHA, thanks girl for being the one who always update me regarding school issues! (:
I was surprised by my result:
HS302 A- (Which I "demanded" a B)
HS314 A (Which I was hoping for a A- or B+)
HS207 B+ (A paper which I had bad feeling cos I was totally blank)
COM204 B-
HP805 S
Term GPA: 4.13
HS302 A- (Which I "demanded" a B)
HS314 A (Which I was hoping for a A- or B+)
HS207 B+ (A paper which I had bad feeling cos I was totally blank)
COM204 B-
HP805 S
Term GPA: 4.13
Total AU Earned 19
Pizza-hut-ed with Dad&Shan @ Nex before meeting up secondary school besties at Lot 1 [9th June]!(:
Ordered our favourite Sweet&spicy chicken drumlet which never fail to make me so happy! HAHA. Tried their seafood baked rice, "fried sotong" and chicken spaghetti wrapped in paper! Sorry that I don't know their proper names. HAHA. I don't like sotong, like rubber -.-The chicken spaghetti wrapped in paper was okay, but a bit pricey. D: A treat from me became a treat from Dad! HAHA (:
Kickboxing with Shan @ Orchard central [10th June] (:
cGPA: 3.66
I got my first A for Sociology and managed to pull up my 302 from C+ to A-[my second A- for Soci]! (: Of course for HP805 I was expecting S cos I confirm wouldn't fail. But all my Soci modules really surprised me! Pleasant surprise (: A A- in for HS302 probably mean that I got A or A+ so as to pull up my C+ (:The only wasted in this sem is COM204 cos my grade drop to B- D: Too bad I couldn't blame COM204 cos it's my lack of interest in it. And too bad my electives which are meant to pull up GPA in fact pull my GPA down. Anyway I was really happy for the result and glad that I was a mugger during the exam period. Yet I can feel the stress of achieving my targeted GPA of 4.24 for next sem so as to pull my cGPA to 3.78. It's actually possible to get 4.4! As in I calculated if I SUed my COM204 instead of HRM, which I think I'd probably get a B+, my GPA would be a 4.4! HAHA. But I don't intend to use any of my remaining SU of 9AUs if I were to minor in both Communication studies and Chinese. So being a mugger weeks before exam and staying away from FB does help in one way or another. Anyway, it's possible to improve and pull up GPA bit by bit! Jiayou people! <3
I got my first A for Sociology and managed to pull up my 302 from C+ to A-[my second A- for Soci]! (: Of course for HP805 I was expecting S cos I confirm wouldn't fail. But all my Soci modules really surprised me! Pleasant surprise (: A A- in for HS302 probably mean that I got A or A+ so as to pull up my C+ (:The only wasted in this sem is COM204 cos my grade drop to B- D: Too bad I couldn't blame COM204 cos it's my lack of interest in it. And too bad my electives which are meant to pull up GPA in fact pull my GPA down. Anyway I was really happy for the result and glad that I was a mugger during the exam period. Yet I can feel the stress of achieving my targeted GPA of 4.24 for next sem so as to pull my cGPA to 3.78. It's actually possible to get 4.4! As in I calculated if I SUed my COM204 instead of HRM, which I think I'd probably get a B+, my GPA would be a 4.4! HAHA. But I don't intend to use any of my remaining SU of 9AUs if I were to minor in both Communication studies and Chinese. So being a mugger weeks before exam and staying away from FB does help in one way or another. Anyway, it's possible to improve and pull up GPA bit by bit! Jiayou people! <3
[I actually look back on my posts on how i felt for each modules,HAHA]
By the way I've applied partial exchange to NUS! (: Hopefully I can get it so that I can clear my COM mod with ease! But I've only a few friends in NUS who wouldn't be taking COM! D: Anyway I'll be considering overseas exchange soon! Really don't know where to go as in France would be somewhere great to visit. But if I were to go France instead of Taiwan early next year, I'll missed out the taiwan trip with my family (if there's any). Though this time round I can apply for INSTEP, it's quite a low GPA to apply for it. Shall think about this issue soon.
Pizza-hut-ed with Dad&Shan @ Nex before meeting up secondary school besties at Lot 1 [9th June]!(:
Ordered our favourite Sweet&spicy chicken drumlet which never fail to make me so happy! HAHA. Tried their seafood baked rice, "fried sotong" and chicken spaghetti wrapped in paper! Sorry that I don't know their proper names. HAHA. I don't like sotong, like rubber -.-The chicken spaghetti wrapped in paper was okay, but a bit pricey. D: A treat from me became a treat from Dad! HAHA (:
Met up with HL ZY YT Pam and CS at pasta mania for dinner. I was wondering what to eat since I had pizza, baked rice and spaghetti in the afternoon thus I ordered pasta. HAHA. Short and sweet dinner and continued to catch up with the girls at Mac(:
Kickboxing with Shan @ Orchard central [10th June] (:
Whee picked up something new this holiday-kickboxing! Well, we're only going for 5 lessons at a rate of $24 if I'm not wrong. It's damn tiring can! D: My whole arms (wrists+lower arms+upper arms), back and legs are aching! D: That was just after 1 hour of lesson! 4 more lessons to go! (: We were craving for some mee sua but the price increase to $3.80! So end up I bought subway instead! D: Planned timetable at Dad's shop and was doing up my goal-list! Guess I'll be taking 5 modules of 3 sociology modules and 2 minor modules-chinese and/or COM.
Science Centre with Laopos [11th June] (:
Thanks to bay and YT for donating blood, we get to go to Science Center after years. Oh I just recalled that my last trip to there wasn't in Hillgrove, but in JJC due to some biology thingy! HAHA. Had big breakfast at Mac before exploring the exhibition. We weren't very active like little kids who are curious of many things. We took photos and even sat for more than an hour to talk! Went IMM to have lunch and shopped in Daiso! Daiso is full of temptation, so many cute stuff! HAHA, I managed to resist and didn't spend a thing! But ahem, I'm thinking of going Daiso again someday with my sister! X:
HAHA, a long post. I'm lazy to split them into different entries. And probably I might not have the time to update them again. HAHA.
Have a great weekend.
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