Why can secondary school kids own branded bags BUT NOT a 28-year-old adult who have been working for quite some time to own a kate spade bag? Just because she's involving in politics?
That's so childish. and stupid.
Hopefully people vote wisely. Especially those younger generation. I saw a comment saying he/she will vote for the opposition cos one ruling party is "so not cool". Hello, what needs to be cool for ruling a country? Yeah yeah, one ruling party doesn't really look good. Not all voices are being heard. But we can't deny the effort of nation building over decades right? I don't know. Are people losing their sense of appreciation? Neh, voting is not solely just sense of appreciation, that would be a bit irrational or emotional. But yup, we got to acknowledge their effort. that's what I feel.
Not trying to be pro-PAP but somehow I think some people need to be more rational and not so emotional, especially when it comes to big issues like election. Or maybe I should say what are they like shooting the person instead of looking at the issue itself.
I actually do hope opposition secure some seats in parliament. Get more voices heard. Get more things done.
By the way, I wonder what NSP and PAP can offer us man. I don't see any of them. Is it cos' I live in Condo and they simply just ignore us? HMMMM. My house have 6 votes okay, though I can't vote. LOL.
Okay, just some thoughts. (:
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