Hello Humans.
First week of tutorial is over. Add/drop period is till coming Sunday! I think I'm going to stick with my engineering electives since it does NOT have any tutorial! It will be graded based on 3 mini case study
(robotic,nanotechnology and one more I can't remember) which stands 50% and another 50% will be on the final exam. As for the other elective, which is another sociology course on science and technology, i wonder if I should take. It's 4
Aus and fills in my break! But there's essay, presentation and thick readings D: Moreover there are many/mostly year 4 student! Oh well.
Anyway, I have 2 presentations on a specific week, if I'm not wrong it's the week before
CNY cos I don't want to do it after
CNY. Cos I wouldn't be able to enjoy my
CNY and
there're essays and mid-term tests to clear after
CNY and before/after the holiday.
Okay enough of words, guess I should show some pictures first:)

As mentioned in my previous post that my mama and sister
(and of course ME!) went for
NTU's parent's day. The turn-up was, oh well, SAD! It's the first time they having such thing, which I guess they might stop having it next time. Anyway the above photo is me and my mama in
Nanyang Audit :D
Me and sister showing off our pretty nails :D We waited quite some time before the ceremony start. Glad that they provide breakfast which is damn nice! Especially the
siew mai! :D

This reminds me of
JJ talent time 2008, where we helped out in the event :D

President of
NTU :)

:D After the speeches and performance
( My mama and sister fall asleep! Though ya is performance for parent then better don't too high or rock or whatever but the programme seems to be a bit dry...) we had our lunch! The lunch was nice too :D

Back to school! This is my mama in
HSS Audit! It was my second time there, cos it's open last year and this year I have one lecture there :D

Okay, now is
HSS speech -.- My mama was
sianjipua cos she chose the quite front rows and quite center...
HAHA, and she can't sleep too openly due to this nice seat!

Sister and I while waiting for the speaker...

Somewhere near the new
HSS building :D Nice right?

Mama and me :D

Anyway we saw many birds that afternoon! It's rare cos I have not seen it before in school! And is it telling us something is going to happen? I wonder.

Then we explored the
Yunnan garden nearby! Okay we didn't really explore, just went there take a few photos:D

same pose! :)



Our dinner at JP :D

Fish soup! :D
jia xiang!
jia xiang!
mian mian mian!

Dinner time! :D
Then I waited for brother in
JP while the rest went back. Saw CS
Sai and he thought my brother=my bf!
Okay enough of parent's day!
Anyway let me introduce you my new friend!
HAHA, bought from China at
RMB10 i guess! This rabbit good, cos always
accompany me in school (though it's too cute for me,
And yes, Monday was Adele's birthday! She gave me this the next day:

Her birthday cake! :D

And a truffle that she made! :D chocolate is loved!

Okay, just a random photo. Actually I quite like the combination of chicken wings and noodles.
Pamela has been stalking me! Saw her in
WestMall yesterday and today in school! And saw
yiqing, who clearly didn't realise my presence in bus!
I've lots of readings to be catch up, even for the very first week. And I'm so
ashame to say I only read ONE reading -.= The words just put me into sleep mode D:
Okay,it's 8.47pm, I should go for my dinner!
Meet up with
laopos on Saturday for
CNY shopping
(though I don't have to buy le I guess) :D
Last but not least,
P.S: Photos are smaller this time cos I need them to be uploaded asap:D