It has been 38 days since my last paper and after so long I finally started a bit of job hunting! *clap clap* It's so enjoyable to nuah and I think I've the rights and deserve all the nuahing I want or what you all may think as wasting all my time. HAHA. RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT?! But before proceeding my recent job hunting may be I'll share a bit about my application with SMRT. HEE.
I was super happy when I received the above email! Why? Cos' I was thinking there's no response from the 3 companies that I gave my resume to during NTU's career fair and tatah~ here's one from SMRT! Anyway it's just some cognitive assessment and I'm not sure if it's mass-sent or really shortlisted but that doesn't really matter cos what matter is that I got the email. I enjoyed doing the cognitive assessment, cos it's like testing your brain etc. Like you gonna remember simple sentence and some other parts like those sudoku kind! Simply love this kind of test-brain "games" but I made handful of mistakes and felt sianjipua after that cos I was thinking probably I wouldn't be given the chance for next phase.

BUT I WAS WRONG! It really took very long for this email , almost 3-4weeks! Just when I was thinking about it on bus and tatah~, someone from SMRT called about me being shortlisted. I was sort of excited, nervous, happy and all cos it's gonna be my first interview for a job that I'll probably hold for much longer period!
And the day arrived, all dressed up in formal attire early in the morning. It was so awkward when people started introducing themselves and shaking hands while waiting for the rest to reach. It feels so fake. But then again, perhaps that's being polite and forming first impression. But I couldn't help it and "hello you all serious?! why shake hand?!".. and I slowly withdrew from the crowd (mentally and a bit of physically)- the rest was moving around shaking their hands and doing some mini introduction while I stood one side and stone. Yes I know, I am damn 不合群. So the group was split into 2 teams before the SMRT team gave introduction on SMRT and sharing session done by graduates of past trainee programmes.
Okay, so here comes the test- individual and group. Individual basically is picking a given word and you have to deliver it in graphic, then writing short essay on a given topic. Group work is basically on case studies. I don't think I should spell them out since I'm not sure if I'm allowed to. X: So anyway, I was damn heng to be the first to be called for the individual presentation -.- As for group work, I am damn quiet and so more or less I know I wouldn't get into the next phase as they are 2 or 3 super out-spoken in my group.
Oh well, and the news is here. Heng I wasn't carrying much hope so I don't really feel too bad. But thanks SMRT huh, at least now I know what and how assessment center is like! (:
Okay now I'll share a bit on recent job hunting! Finally, I started job hunting!! Started with public sector cos that's probably where I wanna go. Don't ask me why cos I'm not very sure too. But all those job available are quite standard... Spent less than 2 hours for job hunting on day 1 cos it was really sian! HAHA, didn't apply for any jobs cos don't know what to apply for and I need referee before I can apply for jobs through the portal! -.- I was cracking my brain cos seriously I think I have no referee. FYP prof? I think she don't really have much good impression of me. Actually I'm not sure if the bad impressions are more than good impression. Anyway, so I thought of TYY! It's super random but I guess she's the only prof that knows my name. Yes my name, not even really knowing me. I've never find her for consultation before, or actively participate in class. But I was really desperate and decided to give it a try!
And yes! She's damn nice right?! Now I can just 安心地 job search! :D Tried job hunting like just 2 days back and decided to just apply for those I think are okay. So what's okay? Okay= Jobs that I wouldn't go eeee + okay don't mind try try see. Basically I am just spreading my net. If good enough that I'm given chance for interview, at least it will be some training for other interviews should I have no fate with the position. HAHA. So I think I sent 5 job applications yesterday, and I can't really remember what I've applied actually.
And this is what I got yesterday morning! Damn surprised cos they are super ultra efficient! I only applied in the evening and this is what I received in the next morning (: To be honest I felt a bit guilty cos I couldn't recall what was the job scope. 28th gonna be another nerve-wrecking 3-hour session but hopefully it will be good! It's an experience anyway so all the best bean!
TATAH~~ End with this formal photo of me! Taken for free by Picture Me, thanks OCBC Frank! HAHA. Tell me I look so 亲切 okay. Oh well, I actually feel that I look like some property agent. HAHA. Anyway not bad cos I was in a more formal top and shorts since it's only upper body shoot and blazer was provided! Okay more job hunting, soon!
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