Hello Humans!
Last week was indeed my "recess week"!
I've enjoyed myself pretty much and got the "recess week" I deserve since I spent the actual recess week clearing another module! Yet, it is hard to get back to study mood! D:
Basically the previous week was like birthday celebration week! Besides xiaoqing's 21st on 13th Nov, we celebrated xq and zy's birthday on 19th as well! And yes, i celebrated my sister's birthday on 20th! HAHA.
P.S. This post shall be mainly photos! So you don't have to read too much of my lousy ang mor! HAHA(:

So yay! Xq's 21st celebration! Isn't the cake chio? It's similar to my sister's 21st cake cos ahem, xq showed the photo of my sis's cake to the person! HAHA. Of course there're some differences lah. AND I LOVE THE CANDLES SURROUNDING THE CAKE! MAD CHIO! :D

Fellow Hillgrovians! Don't really know them but we "know" each other! HAHA.

So well, it's the first time for me to attend my friend's 21st birthday party and to help out! So HL and I was quite excited! HAHA(: So we were assigned to tie up the balloons! Glad that they didn't ask us to blow the balloon cos the balloons would be small and ugly! HAHA. Oh ya! XQ introduced me to her friends by saying I'm her tall friend! HAHA, well, they were waiting for my arrival to put up the stuff! LOL. And I sort of heard one of them say "she's very tall!!"!

Anyway, we had fun tying up the balloons! There was division of labor- HL doing the tying and I'm the one choosing the colour! HAHA. Being so efficient, we have spare time to cam-whore and that explain why there are some many balloon series photos! HAHA(: The photos are pretty and have been uploaded to FB! Too bad some [in fact, most] of the photos are blur! D:

After completing our task, we heard a voice saying that we were taking too long! So we headed down with the balloons and continue with the help out! (: This is the birthday girl and HL!

And of course me and her! (: The "jeannette 21st" is damn nice right? HAHA, I paste it up there! (:

BFFs! :D

Photographer Ho, Birthday girl KE, Photographer Bay.

The Ke family! First time to see her brothers and maybe her dad? HAHA.


Her poly friends!

Of course must post more photos of us right? HAHA :D

Hillgrovians. Her upper sec classmates. A bunch of friendly, zi-high people! HAHA(:
So yay, my camera was signalling to me that it's going to die but it tried its best to hold its last breath! HAHA! So after the guests left, and left some guests, HL and I took some rest and sat outside the Chalet to chat! Nice chatting huh! After that was clearing up, which took pretty fast, and we washed up! We didn't sleep the whole night cos we have task to do! I tried to finish up the few pages of my readings which nothing much being absorbed cos the rest were talking about something funny etc! Then we started doing zy's birthday card! HAHA. DAMN FUNNY! you know i know so i shalln't disclose here! anyway the card is decent and nice what! HAHA.
We wanted to see sun-rise. But too bad, it was drizzling! D: So we back to Chalet and slept for 2 hours! (: Good that xq's parents came over to fetch her and her super-ultra lots and heavy stuff! :D Headed for brunch with HL and 3 of xq's friends! The guys are damn crappy and indecisive! So HL and I pretty much enjoyed ourselves for this event huh!
We celebrated xq's actual birthday and another november baby-Zhen Ying's birthday! (:

All who attended! HAHA(: Another CHIO PHOTO OF THE DAY! lol.

I'm so sorry xq for making you carry the heavy lappy! But I didn't predict you'll go shopping and have to carry so many stuff! HAHA. But thanks for not scolding me huh! HAHA.

Happy birthday girls! (:

The chocolate one is nice!

xq and yt! poor yt left behind her thumbdrive in school library! Luckily it was still there when she got back! :D

ex-gombakers! (:

me and zy! :D


yt says that spect makes our face looks bigger or rounder! So we have to remove spect when take photo! SO CUTE RGT?(: But i thought it's the opposite? HAHA. anyway xw loves to kajiao me whenever i take photo sia!

Okay, let's see. Does spect really make my face bigger? I don't think so leh!

HAHA, xq making fun of my display picture! LOL,我竟然还不要脸的说“那个人人赞美咧!"

This woman huh, haix! HAHAH:D

Simple card and practical present from me hl xq yt pam cs! :D

Okay that's the end! we laugh a lot that day! Though it may not be well-planned, hopefully everyone enjoyed yay! We'll meet up soon! I'm so going to marina barrage! HAHA
Shall update on my sister's birthday celebration in the next post!
School is like ending soon and exam seems like coming yet i'm not doing much. HBB, what have you been doing? FB? Blog? read xiaxue's blog? okay, must be day-dreaming then. LOL
bin. (: