Time is passing way too fast and it's Thursday now! My recess week is ending pretty soon!! D: All I did was catching up with my readings and a bit of some assignments. So far I'm only done 8 readings! D: And HS203 take home Midterm essay exam is out! OMG D: Suddenly feel so pekchek for the lack of time to finish the assignments!
On the list:
1. Hw111 assignment 2
2. HW111 assignment 3
3. HS203 Midterm exam
4. HS219 Essay
5. MP8083 assignment
The only good thing I can think of is tmr's meet up with my besties to Chinatown's ten dollar club! Hope it will be a great way to destress! :D SINGING URGE IS BACK HUH!!!
Oh ya, watched Happy Feet last weekend! Didn't manage to catch the front part but I think it's pretty cute and interesting! How could I forget to mention a part that I feel quite disheartening! The part where the main leading penguin was caught and kept in the zoo for display, he became disorder and lost his natural instinct and have to be fed by the zoo-keeper. He even imagine that his family is waiting for him. Quite sad huh? I was thinking in real life, the animals in the zoo are really quite poor thing! Must we really cage them in zoo? Or can we just see them via picture etc?
AND, last but not least, I've a good lobang for you! :D
Want a cute earpiece to match with your lovely music player (ipod/mp3/mp4/whatever)?

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Or a cool boots to match some of your unique outfit? I think those boots damn nice lah!

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Okay, off I go!
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