So tempted to buy more tops/dresses/skirts/shoes! University should have uniform too, so at least i will have one lesser reason for spending my hard-earned money away! BUT it's GSS period! how can i miss this opportunity to buy all the good lobangs right? HAHA(:
i assume that i'll have 11days to rest before university starts BUT i still have quite a few unfinished stuff like more shoppings, more meet up, packing my cupboard,watch HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE and KBOX! oh well,it's damn quite sometime since i go kbox! but my lao po is complaining that she's broke and i wonder who can i ask to pei me! HAHA.
nice badminton session with hl yt and zy on saturday! my legs are aching instead of my arms! this shows how bad my badminton skill is cos i have to keep bending down to take the thing! HAHA. luckily i didn't promise my colleague that i'll join them today for the badminton session if not i'll be just throwing my own face. HAHA. i feel so happy that my legs are aching, crazy right? but aching means i exercised!HAHA.

anyway the above pictures were taken long long time ago! HAHA, during YOG related event!
LOVES,bean (:
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