my laopo da ren!! u're finalli 17th!! =D tis hello kitty cake is for u!! HAHA=)
phew!!finalli over le!!well,i tried to be a gd nerd hu keep study.yet,de drillin process starts juz be4 de dae i hv chem!!so,de apartment juz rgt above mine jus...

i was lyk ^%$#&^!! can i throw the drills away man..RAH.so,i was lyk tryin to study while de drilling process starts fr 11+ to 6+!! oh,i juz cant conc!!my mum did call de management tingy to ask,but they said it's 13th and 23th floor renovating nt 27th..RAH.so is our ears playing tricks on us? it's so damm obvious is 27th floor!! ok,so i juz anyhow study chem n maths de past few daes!! my motivation n nerd side kana drill away by 27th floor man!!hmph!
anyway, chem reexam i tink either same or similar to promos? anyway i 4gt hw's de promos paper lyk le =X maths was ..ya..duntink will do well. sad huh? hope i'll pass even though de chance nt high ='( well,there's onli 1 or 2 teachers in de lt5 durin de re-exam man. hw r dey goin to ensure no 1 copy or cheat la.. well, saw some cheat man. so,u noe.lyk cheat themselves!!
anyway,todae's post will be damm long!!but full of pics!!woot=) well, ytd[im bloggin initialli on 21nov de,but juz nw bz nv blog den con't is alrdy 22nov liao..] is indeed a CRAZY n ENJOYABLE DAY!!even though there's maths re-exam,i had loads of fun!! of cos de fun nt fr bloody maths paper but wif mY LAOPO HL xD we r goin to ...

finalli we go dere la!!HAHA=)it's my laopos's 1st tym goin dere man!!HAHA=) anyway,we r celebratin our wedding anniversary !!haha=D de rest of my laopos mgt jealous man!! =X oh,pls dun jealous laopos,we shall hv a kbox section SOON =D pls set a date asap k? well,aft cravin for LONG JOHN so damm long, we had our lunch at LJS!!woot=) tt's mark de start of todae's plan,no,i mean ytd plan. haha=)
so we ate tis...

we started cam-whoring while goin rounds!! woot=)
ok,tis's meant for PICKIN POOP!! HAHA!! n we r lyk.. tryin to use it as utensil -.="

it's so bu wei sheng rgt? but IT'S CLEAN la!!haha=)

so we con't walkin n cum to this part tt sell lamp. n it becum our hats =) WE LOVE SPORE!!cant u c y? =)

im holdin de white puppet n hl holdin de yellow one..

SEE NO EVIL,HEAR NO EVIL!!so let's can see evil =D

ok,my laopo is nt short.y? cos de x'mas tree is much shorter den her!!look,she's proud of her height?

this is my DREAM BEDRM!!wen i young la!oh,im still young of cos!! dun u tink it's colourful? n there's loads of place for mi to throw my junks in!!xD

ok,this's my laopo's dream kiddy rm!!she wan de other rm de,but dere's too mani ple dere n it's hard for us to cam whore..so she took this instead..

=) aft "eatin",we r happi=) tt's y tis pics is taken..

perhaps,we r arguing hu r responsible to wash de dishes..so we had a fight. my laopo even wan a divorce!![look at de paper on de table].. HAHA =)

BUT..as a gd laogong,my laopo dun wanna to divorce in de end n we r on gd terms again =) so we r dian-ing each other even though we r at work!! HAHA=)
so we took another pic wif this mirror =D
anyway,wanted to take pic with a green table but dere's 2 person dere so we decided juz take tis one =).jpg)
since both of us use de toilet bowl,we shall clean it tgt !! 1st tym washin toilet bowl ok!!

ok,so we took pics wif these cute stuff =) de spider enjoying being high up n de ostrich's head nearli eaten by mi!!

i dun understand tis..my laopo shdb afraid of such a big spider on her shoulder.YET,she SMILIN so HAPPILY!!

so we walk n walk n walk n hl saw this. it's short. well,my pose weird huh? de legs i mean.haha

tis's hl saying HI =D
well,2other gals saw us takin photos n they wanan take too!!HAHA=) we r so influential!!

anyway,WELCOME TO OUR LIVING RM!!take a seat if u wan =)
welcum to CHANNEL NEWSAISA?haha...jpg)
ok..im waiting for her to fix de meal.. i wait til damm hungry she still at dere smile smile smile..HAHA=)
mirror mirror mirror!! of cos muz make use of it la!!.jpg)
ok, we lyk tis living rm!!so we wanan take pic wif it!! i put self timin n place it on de shelf n take w/o knowin my face kana covered with de price tag tt's hangin in de air,..n tt MS BAY keep luff luff luff..rah

my LAOPO lyk tis!! cosy livin rm sia=)
ok,saw JACK-my OGL =) he's wif his fren.shdb JJ de oso ba..HAHA=) we r havin OG OUTING on 23nov!!well,back to topic..these bears looks damm cute!!dey are goin to hv their meals!!4of them wif 8seats=) well,there's nt enuff seats for my hse man.haha=) so we took pics wif it since we cant brin de bear hm.. =( 

hey ple,u noe wadx HUA XIN? my laopo know lwi..n she goin to show u ple=)
.....to prove tt im a gd nerd,look wad im holdin!IT'S A BK! =) wad abt hl? she onli n0e hw to play.she c hold de frog la..HAHA=)


ok,these r my babies =) so CUTE RGT? they r twins by de way xD
we r nt in ZOO,so we're nt holdin SNAKE.instead,we hold DRAGON =)

her turn to revenge!! HELP MI!!!...

Ok,my present for hl,her present for mi. of cos de GOLD is for mi n GREEN for her=)

but i spot de other nice de. RED=) So hl decided to give red de to mi so i change 1 for her too =D [i lyk us more=) ].jpg)
xian ren zhang!!=) laopo ask mi to touch de spike cos v shu fu,den end up loads stuck on my middle finger sia.. i wanna tell mama she bully mi ='(

ok,able to upload these photos cos hl sent to mi cos i sent to her thru hp.HAHA=) well de qty of de photo mayb poor cos it;s my 1.3mp cam hp..HAHA=) thx gal for be so efficient to send mi de pics!!
ok,juz nw wanna pack cupboard so took out everyting.but dinner cum + watch tv so end up ltr den con't. but ltr end up usin com til nw! so im NT packin le.HAHA=) wait til tmr den c hw.haha=) anyway,sj frens mayb hv a SLPOVER!!!shdb at rs's hse!!=D but de host haven decide can a nt la..HAHA=) so we r waitin for her reply! so excitin man!!HAHA=) hope she'll sae can go!! =) ok,it's 2.34am!! i duntink i wanna to contribute to de wastage of electricity tt can be saved for nxt generation!!HAHA=)
anyway,there's quite mani stuff for eclub man..PAM MUZ HANG ON N JIAYOU!!u can de la=) dun 4gt gt mi =)
ok,so off i go! my bed miss mi =)
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