Raining these days.

Guess my hair is in its longest length now. But I'm going to trim it and do treatment next Wednesday with ZY (: Funny Bay commented that I can shot hair advertisement cos my hair is straight and long. HAHAH. Anyway, hopes the hairdressers are skilled and give our hair a good cut! :D Can't wait for Wednesday since we'll be having buffet with HL at night too (: TAI TAI LIFE!!~
Painted nail polish, so shiny right? It's good that this kind of colour doesn't require much skill cos the faulty strokes can't be seen clearly. The rapid dry top coat is good cos my nails really dry rapidly! (: Thanks Groupon for the free $8 voucher! On a side note, both Shan and I were thinking that our body hair (e.g. legs and arms) are getting longer after our Europe trip. I hope this is illusion.
Now I've lesser good reads from friends on my blog, cos I accidentally delete that portion from my blog template. Hello lost and found friends.
Off to study, I hope. I'm seriously in a not-so-conducive mood for study (i.e. holiday mood) BUT I'm fully aware that it shouldn't be the case and I've plenty of stuff to get over with (e.g. HS222 policy paper and HS318 Research Paper and FYP thingy). Time for my fingers and brain to work on either HS222 oe HS318 assignments since I've to get them done before November.
-Here's a random post to compensate for the lack of photos in previous posts.-
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