I'm still surviving though I do not have much urge to study. No mood. My speed is damn slow and my mind is thinking about post-exam! X: RAH, one more week with 4papers at one row and I'm done! :D I have this sudden urge to tidy up my room and sort of restructure the layout (though it's quite impossible). Okay, it shall be on the top of my to-do list! :D
I've completed one paper! :D It's a 2hr paper yet many people left after just around an hour.Well, I sat there for the two whole hours just in case anything fly through my mind during the paper. Anyway hope that my good deed will help me to get better grade! :D cos when I was on my way to school in the bus, an old China man asked someone behind me how to go NTU, and perhaps the person is a non-Chinese, I decided to help this old man. Brought him to the administrative building though I was heading to HSS building. Anyway I managed to find my exam venue cos we walked pass it on our way to the administrative building :D So not that bad la, help him also help myself! He commented that my chinese is very good and he thought that I'm from China -.= I was like "NO NO NO!!!! Because I'm from a chinese-speaking family so my mandarin is not bad la". Then he asked whether I'm working here? Okay first he say I'm like from China and now he's saying I'm old! Do I look so old??! I'm only year one okay! HAHA. Think I need to bao yang a bit after exam huh? LOL. Anyway this old man is checking about admin stuff for his grandchildren. I was thinking why make an old man find all his way to NTU instead of his children or grandchildren. Luckily he's quite fit la. And when we reach the admin office, the security guard offered to lead him to the correct building (student service building) since I'm heading for exam! :D

A good news to break: I won a toaster oven during a lucky draw! :D I'm so happy cos it's the first time that I won something from lucky draw! And it's toaster oven which I thought of buying it some time ago! :D :D :D

Oh ya, I love Jessca Liu's hair in the recent 9pm drama! Her hair damn chio la! okay she's chio too la!

OKAY, i shall go back to my reading D:
P.S.:An unexpected post. LOL.