went out with my beloved sister yesterday! sorry that I've given the wrong information about FREE GST AT T3 don't know how long ago! HAHA. there was FREE GST due to some promotion going on! so it's not always GST free D': HOW SAD LAH! but bought some stuff home(:

anyway, i have TWO interviews tomorrow! one is job interview for a surveyor job at MOM (in the morning) and the other one is NTU sociology written test&interview(in the afternoon). OH WELL,hope both will turn out to be okay! (:
honestly speaking, i didn't prepare much for tomorrow's interview. cos' i don't know what to prepare. THANKS dawn for suggesting about the 45 minutes essay and I've digged out my GP notes on essays. HAHA. cos i can't even remember what to write for introduction. 45 minutes is really too short for me to write anything lah! by the time i finish thinking the time will be almost up!
and... my brother asked if i really like sociology again -.=" if not I'll have to suffer for FOUR YEARS cos he can't even remember the introduction part of sociology which he just read! and i wondered if I'll like it. i put it as my first choice though i wasn't sure how to rank my choices. IF I'm so lucky that i pass the interview and test, i can't reject sociology since it's my first choice right? imagine if you got a place for first choice yet you want your second choice.. that would be pretty weird right? and the school wouldn't bother about you right?
okay, i shall stop thinking about this and pray hard tomorrow will be fine! (:
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