Life is as busy as usual! Well, not as busy as to the extent that I can't rest or FB, just that I don't really have to blog. I thought of some topics to blog earlier on, but well, school-related stuff are much more important than typing in the empty space here. School work are pretty so far so good. Though I've not been complaining much about school but i still lagging behind, especailly for readings on Globalisation! Well, at least I'm trying to keep up on my readings (: Got to start working on my Com204 assignment which due on coming Friday!
Argh, I can hear my stomach making noise as I'm typing this. I believe those friends whom I asked regarding food hate me for making them hungry too! I apologise! Hopefully I can stop changing the topic that I want to do - foreigner issue, community center, and here comes food!

Okay, I'll find time to post regarding cruise and china. Sometimes we need to priortize things right? HAHA. At least I posted those photos taken on cruise on FB (:
By the way, a photo can convey different message to different people! I thought the photo below is more like cute-ness, bay say is sexy! -.- I still find it more for the former than latter.
Btw I went out with my family (to Nex and Vivo city) and bought a top and a dress! HAHA (: Oh, I'm just performing my duty as a consumer in this consumer society man! And that dress I bought is exactly the same from the pasamalam outside JP! The price is the same yet the environment is so different! The pasamalam's one is opposite of those oily food stall (got 臭豆腐 one somemore).
bean (:
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