it may be rather a long post =X
de unhappi gal is gone =D but i dun0 whether she will be back aft gettin back de result which will be out on 2nov aft my op!! anyway,im NOT havin headache fr last thurs on cos i stop tinkin too much =D instead of wastin my tym to suffer headache due to too much tinkin,i shd focus on op n chi A level!! =D thx ALL DE PLE WHO ENCOURAGE MI N OFFER MI HELP=) special thx to YIQING n PAM n mayb lao sai ba:D well,let mi recall wadx been goin on.. last wk de tym seems to be pass quite slow ba..
did pw on last fri n sundae =D we did de video for grp presentation for our op!! had loads of fun takin pics=) n thx yiqing for de icecream =D long tym nv eat those kind de red bean icecream le =D ed was busy editing de slides while fy n jaime buzy makin de video.den mi n yq keep slackin n lamin!!haha=) so fun :D de video is lyk de procedure of de game,den edward is de yq gave him a whistle n he fall in love wif it man!! he dun bear to take it off his neck n he keep blow into it la! he was damm hyper tt day sia!! dun0 wad happen to him man!! had dinner at 5+ which is damm earli for mi,cos i eat at abt 8pm ma..but cos dear jaime gonna leave earli so we pei her too =) shared wif fy =D oh,fy keep sae she'll hit edward if he dun0 do wad ting!but no show de lei =( den i start sayin abt result den fy n yq lyk 2 big figures n im de small tingy figure lookin up at dem man!!haha=) oh,i asked a rhetorical qn too..ermx,shdb edward n mi hu more gentle den they say edward more gentle!! *(@#$#$%!! i v gentle de k!! hu disagree tell mi n i'll teach u how to draw si!! haha=D
sat i 4gt wad i do liao,shdb keep dgn op stuff? nt sure sia...
sundae went yq's hse at ard 2..took de wrong train sia!so i was late to meet jaime at boonlay =X den i tok can take 1 bus to yq's hse but cant!! so thx jaime!!if nt her.i'll be even much more later!! =X edward damm slpy n he stomachache ba..den v funny cos he lyk zombie.. HAHA!! so he went off aft his turn.. we practise awhile n edit a bit jiu done le =D so went JP walk walk lo..den bump into laosai 3times..haha=)
mon,tried to memorize de op tingy =D watched last epi of 9pm show!! tt show nice k! poor ruien,those close to her de lyk so in betray her.. haix.. so ke lian la.. den tt wanrou lyk so kelian n bad la.. but all drama de la!!haha= D but nice lei =D
tues,back to sch.. hv op structured rehearsal!! damm nervous n scared man!! lyk muz keep sway here sway dere man!! for my grp de rehearsal starts at 4pm,so we 3.45 reach dere but sarah juz abt 4+ den we went in n it was pam's turn tokin..she's looks ok in nt nervous la.. well done=) den we nd de wireless tingy but it wasnt drag n drag den start,somemore de wireless tingy still nt workin..oh,my battery is with him.nvm.. jaime yq n fy oso v gd! even though they quite nervous too,but they did v well =) oh,i was damm nervous den end up i 4gt most of de stuff which i noe.den i hv to explain de procedure of de game so end up i keep sae person a n b n person c n d den listen til blur sia..haha=) but luckily i still n0e wad i tok..but i even skip part of my script sia =X i took onli abt 4min!! i took nearli 5min outside of rehearsal man! means i speak much more faster durin op? rah.. ed was nervous too n he mixed up his script. den hendri sae he train his debate ple go raffle de grass dere to train!! perhaps we gonna do some trg man!! =( went to fy's hse aft our rehearsal =D thx fy for de vitagen!! jaime doesnt lyk de taste!!haha=) play dai di n bluff=D fy keep winning la!1den play bluff hor,ed cant bluff man..he keep luff wen he wanna cheat,so every1 noe he's goin to cheat.HAHA=) we luff til stomach damm pain!! c hw honest is edward sia!! HAHA!!:D went for class dinner at JP !had subway which is damm nice =)
wed,slpy day. had cca.
oh,dere was 1 day,i 4gt when,on my way hm,i saw a driver hu stop his car let mi cross de road. i was quite happi cos gt gd n considerate ple ard =) as in they "give way" to ple,which is v gd..but wen i was goin to cross de other road,i saw a car cumin ma,so i stood there n wait for it to go 1st b4 i go,cos i assume it's goin straight since it nv give de signal. n tt stupid idiot car juz turn left. wth. i hate it man. inconsiderate man. waste my tym standin dere n wait lo. ok,even though dunnd to wait too long,but as a considerate driver,dey shd give de signal since it's a muz. if im a traffic police n i caught u nv give signal,u goin dead man!! [oh,i sounds weird rgt?]
oh,on tues, dere was a traffic policeman outside my hse dere.den i nd to wait for 2hl ma,but dey wasnt dere n de policeman keep lookin at my dad's car. so no choice my dad start drivin n he did a u-turn which scratched his car!! 7$%$#%$# n wen we back to de main gate dey still haven reach so went back to de carpark n wait a while more b4 goin out if nt nd uturn again sia.. luckily wen we out dey reach le =D
oh, i wanna go kbox man!! 5bucks onli!!but it's til tmr onli!!rah!! =(
sch goin end so in,hw shd i sae man.. perhaps it will be de last few day in jjc i'll spend wif loveli s28!! oh,hope nt!! anyway,conditionalli promoted still nd c term1 de result,so if bad still will go back to j1.but at least a chance was given,which is much better for those hu retain.oh.. i shall stop tinkin abt it sia.. i dun wan de unhappi gal to back so fast!! :D
these days i keep dreamin wen i slp sia.. wadx my dream abt i cant reali recall sia..haha=)
gongzhu xiao mei epi 5 is out =) woot =D
these r de pic we took =D
my loveli pw grpmates =)

bye :D
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