supp0se t0 wake up at 7am de..end up mi n my sis cant take it n slp til nag us c0s he hv t0 drive us t0 np[sis wanna hand up result tingy] n my dad hv tings t0 do..hmm,gt d0ne within 30min :) grabbed a packet of potat0 chips b4 leavin de hse..sis n mi eat de wh0le packet as breakfast!!unhealthy huh?headed off t0 np where i b0ught 2waffles rec0mmended by my sis :) nt bad lei!!crispy de=) deN we went dad's sh0p awhile b4 g0in bugis..dere's nt much sh0p 0pen in de m0rning in bugis street la..aniwae we dun intend t0 sh0p time!!s0 we t0ok train t0 lavender...i led de way t0 c0nc0urse since sis dun0 de way...n i n0e de way la..haha :) hmm..b0ught h0neydew s0ya milk at mr bean..taste a bit weird la..but 0verall ok..b4 g0in c0nc0urse i requested sis t0 take pic f0r mi in fr0nt 0f SJ hq..n00b rgt?haha=) s0me mem0ries flashed thru my mine la..trg f0r c0m,nite trg n c0m itself..haha :) went basement t0 find de sh0p but it wasnt dere..guess sis rmb wr0ng level..but dere's a cd sh0p playing classical music which is damm nice k!!de cd c0st 10bucks..s0 i din buy..found de sh0p at level 1 instead..l0l...
late f0r de 0uting wif pam yt la0po-zy hl..supp0se t0 mit at 12.15 at pasir ris de..end up i lyk 12.50 deN reach!!SRY PLE TT IM LATE!!t0k 403 t0 pasris de bus wanna listen t0 mp3..but tink de ear pieces spolit..onli gt music but n0 s0und fr de singer-.=" rented a bike..5bucks f0r 2hr..dere's l0ts of turns la..hate it since i dun0 hw t0 still beginner k ;)we climbed de maze halfway thru de biking j0urney..mi n pam dun dare t0 climb sia..haha=) even th0ugh i may l0ok fierce but i v timid de k?!?! haha=) w0nder hw mani ple will believe tt..aniwae,had a hard tym climbling t0 de t0p..requested a kid t0 take de's nice.. **look b0ttom ;)
we con't de j0unery la..aft returning de bike,b0ught snack n drinks n we eat...haha=) gt ple play kite ..deN de kite fly t0 hl dere-.=" den well pam stand up,de string was nxt t0 her neck la..haha=)mi n pam had our h0neym0on under de sun,in fr0nt 0f de sea,= ;) zy hl yt went f0r de wind was rather str0ng..shiok x) but de sand keep enterin my mouth la..we sat/lie on de sand/rock,n keep takin pic!!haha=)due t0 de str0ng wind,our hair damm messy la..but s0me nice la=) haha=) we wanted t0 suntan u c =) we got damm sandy aft lieing on de sand la..went t0ilet t0 wash away de sand n t0ok s0me ph0t0s!!haha=)mit up wif them n played de swing n took photos!!left de place n went hm..missed hua yang since i bath 1st..g00na catch up by u-tube..haha ;) my hands r rather red..sunburn!!h0pe can darker la..but everytym it turns white again!! rah!!aniwae, i had fun t0dae =D
f0und my br0's ec0n guide bk =) by de way,is it call guide bk?wadever..i tryin t0 read it in front part which intr0 ec0n n de stuffs taught s0 far..but i still at opp0rtunity cost la..0pporting c0st : de c0st 0f any actitivty measured in terms of de best alternative forgone...haha=) i din mem0rise it..i typed directing fr de book =)h0pe i'll be able t0 read til wadx c0vered..oh,i hv bi0 de guide bk fr my sis too..but i d0ubt i'll read it la..haha=)
im trying t0 adapt life ba..learn t0 lyk de dislike..lyk studies!!rah..i nd m0tivati0n lei..
pics of de dae!! [onli fr yt since pam haven upl0ad..]

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