o7s25 wif ec0n tut =)
o7s25 with chem tut
nw is jUz 11.13 yet im damm slpy la!!wad de......
chi--> my cher damm nice sia!!we had 30min less0n t0 g0 thru de wb ans den she brin us t0 de cafe..she sae she'll treat us breakfast which i t0k is sae sae onli de..BUT!!!she treated all 9 students [mi pam maria jermaine yq anling jeremiah jeremy yh] hu went f0r chi!!each breakfast set c0st $2.50 n she speNt 25bucks on us!!tt's sweEt n nice 0f her which i din expect la=) being gd students will hv benefit?lol --"de breakfast t0ok qutie l0ng t0 serve c0s is 2 by 2..we waited f0r every0ne t0 gt de breakfast b4 we start eatin la..s0 it turns c0ld-.=" nvm,it's still quite nice la=) we did a f0od cheEr b4 eatin =) ms goh went t0 staff rm t0 take her camera..she keep snappin 0ur ph0tos while we were eatin sia!!haha=) funni rgt?aft eatin we t0ok s0me pics which r NICE =) ple wif de picS pls SEND MI K!! we din attend math lecture since we d0ubt mr f0ll0w will teach anyting..s0 we went t0 de gambling area n d0 de usual stuff la=) learn hw t0 play bridge..but still nt gd at it la..
bi0-->Jermaine n i was tokin abt cca tingy la..deN pam ask jermaine t0 guess wad cca she's fr..den jermaine keep guessing but wr0ng la..npcc,ncc,choir,band blar blar blar..but n0ne c0rrect la..she tinks tt pammy hv a npcc face -.=" c0s wen she dun smile quite fierce..haha=) but she's fr MRL!!! haha=) suprise!?!? haha=) den i ask her i l0ok lyk wad cca de..den she sae i look lyk CHEER LEADING de...haha=) do i look lyk one?i dun tink s0 lei..but she give a valid reas0n la..she explained by sayin i lyk SIA0 SIA0 de...haha=)perhaps bahx..esther lee recap s0me stuffs abt bi0..i din listen n fallin aslp la..i tink i yawned t0o l0ud t0o..haha=)deN we tok abt life ting again la..she a happi lucky lady sia..**envy** den pam n i l00k at her necklace which is a dragonfly..nice=)but it look quite nt exp[im nt usin de word CHEAP cos im kind enuff=) ]..it's fr TIFFANY N CO!!exp huh?den dUn0 link link link to wad.. aft bio i shout t0 edward tt he turn bad n keep ponning less0n..de de others ask mi diam cos i was t0o l0ud-.=" jeremiah even sae i shd j0in OGL..den i sae i withdraw le!!20bucks juz fly away=( den yh sae i shd take de camp tee since i paid.haha=) tt's true la=)
ec0n--> wanted t0 pon de..but end up g0in..regretted c0s kana called by de cher [mdm low] t0 d0 qn n explain t0 de class..im t0o shy t0 tok u c..haha=) lol-.=" s0 my explaination turns t0 v br0ken n SCARY eng.."cow die,ple scare kana de disease so dun wan buy"... haha=) cant realli rmb wad i said..but i tink realli broken la..den my words on board is damm ugly too la..i shd sae nt neat=) haha=)
mit ms ti0ng de eclub cher at 1pm outside staffrm..but mi n pam wait til 1.24+ den she appear in de staffrm n she obvi0usli 4gt tt she's suppose t0 mit us...it's lyk i call n sms her le lo..nvm,at least i left b4 1.30pm..i changed my braces to purple=) it's a nice c0lour =) juz realise gt yellow..haha=)i'll put it de nxt tym!!well,de dentist said it can be rem0ved 6months ltr..but tt's soonest..actualli i dun realli feel lyk takin it so s0on yet lei..c0s i'll misssss it de!!n i gt use t0 it le la..n aft brace is retena[dun0 spellin] which is lyk m0re ma fan..haha=) ya,s0 de real reas0n behind is i lazy =)
dun0 y t0dae keep feeling thirsty sia..keep eat n drink n eat n drink n eat n drink..tink i spend abt 14bucks on food n drink!!haha=) tmr postin result out..scare cant gt into jj sia..h0pe i wun regret lo..lyk t0o late to regret aniwae..tmr still gt eclub tingy s0 hv t0 go sch..s0 ke lian rgt? by de way,xq asked whether want0 go sheep farm!!sounds cute n fun huh?i want0 g0!but i want0 t0 go beach t0 cycle n feel de wind leh..s0 can i be greedy by requestin 0uting f0r b0th?haha=)
gdluck f0r every0ne for de p0sting result =)
chi--> my cher damm nice sia!!we had 30min less0n t0 g0 thru de wb ans den she brin us t0 de cafe..she sae she'll treat us breakfast which i t0k is sae sae onli de..BUT!!!she treated all 9 students [mi pam maria jermaine yq anling jeremiah jeremy yh] hu went f0r chi!!each breakfast set c0st $2.50 n she speNt 25bucks on us!!tt's sweEt n nice 0f her which i din expect la=) being gd students will hv benefit?lol --"de breakfast t0ok qutie l0ng t0 serve c0s is 2 by 2..we waited f0r every0ne t0 gt de breakfast b4 we start eatin la..s0 it turns c0ld-.=" nvm,it's still quite nice la=) we did a f0od cheEr b4 eatin =) ms goh went t0 staff rm t0 take her camera..she keep snappin 0ur ph0tos while we were eatin sia!!haha=) funni rgt?aft eatin we t0ok s0me pics which r NICE =) ple wif de picS pls SEND MI K!! we din attend math lecture since we d0ubt mr f0ll0w will teach anyting..s0 we went t0 de gambling area n d0 de usual stuff la=) learn hw t0 play bridge..but still nt gd at it la..
bi0-->Jermaine n i was tokin abt cca tingy la..deN pam ask jermaine t0 guess wad cca she's fr..den jermaine keep guessing but wr0ng la..npcc,ncc,choir,band blar blar blar..but n0ne c0rrect la..she tinks tt pammy hv a npcc face -.=" c0s wen she dun smile quite fierce..haha=) but she's fr MRL!!! haha=) suprise!?!? haha=) den i ask her i l0ok lyk wad cca de..den she sae i look lyk CHEER LEADING de...haha=) do i look lyk one?i dun tink s0 lei..but she give a valid reas0n la..she explained by sayin i lyk SIA0 SIA0 de...haha=)perhaps bahx..esther lee recap s0me stuffs abt bi0..i din listen n fallin aslp la..i tink i yawned t0o l0ud t0o..haha=)deN we tok abt life ting again la..she a happi lucky lady sia..**envy** den pam n i l00k at her necklace which is a dragonfly..nice=)but it look quite nt exp[im nt usin de word CHEAP cos im kind enuff=) ]..it's fr TIFFANY N CO!!exp huh?den dUn0 link link link to wad.. aft bio i shout t0 edward tt he turn bad n keep ponning less0n..de de others ask mi diam cos i was t0o l0ud-.=" jeremiah even sae i shd j0in OGL..den i sae i withdraw le!!20bucks juz fly away=( den yh sae i shd take de camp tee since i paid.haha=) tt's true la=)
ec0n--> wanted t0 pon de..but end up g0in..regretted c0s kana called by de cher [mdm low] t0 d0 qn n explain t0 de class..im t0o shy t0 tok u c..haha=) lol-.=" s0 my explaination turns t0 v br0ken n SCARY eng.."cow die,ple scare kana de disease so dun wan buy"... haha=) cant realli rmb wad i said..but i tink realli broken la..den my words on board is damm ugly too la..i shd sae nt neat=) haha=)
mit ms ti0ng de eclub cher at 1pm outside staffrm..but mi n pam wait til 1.24+ den she appear in de staffrm n she obvi0usli 4gt tt she's suppose t0 mit us...it's lyk i call n sms her le lo..nvm,at least i left b4 1.30pm..i changed my braces to purple=) it's a nice c0lour =) juz realise gt yellow..haha=)i'll put it de nxt tym!!well,de dentist said it can be rem0ved 6months ltr..but tt's soonest..actualli i dun realli feel lyk takin it so s0on yet lei..c0s i'll misssss it de!!n i gt use t0 it le la..n aft brace is retena[dun0 spellin] which is lyk m0re ma fan..haha=) ya,s0 de real reas0n behind is i lazy =)
dun0 y t0dae keep feeling thirsty sia..keep eat n drink n eat n drink n eat n drink..tink i spend abt 14bucks on food n drink!!haha=) tmr postin result out..scare cant gt into jj sia..h0pe i wun regret lo..lyk t0o late to regret aniwae..tmr still gt eclub tingy s0 hv t0 go sch..s0 ke lian rgt? by de way,xq asked whether want0 go sheep farm!!sounds cute n fun huh?i want0 g0!but i want0 t0 go beach t0 cycle n feel de wind leh..s0 can i be greedy by requestin 0uting f0r b0th?haha=)
gdluck f0r every0ne for de p0sting result =)
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