Hello Humans,
I'm mad love with Ikea because...

Of its yummy food. Meatball is loved! So is chicken wing! I actually didn't wanna try meatball till a few years back cos it contains beef. Well, I can eat beef, just that I prefer not to. If you were to ask me why not, I'm not very sure but since young I don't take beef and if I can avoid beef then I'll be eating one lesser type of meat so that less cow will be killed because of me (I know it doesn't make much difference or sense but yeah). So anyway, I just try it for once and I fall for it! So this is my exception. HEE. Chicken wing that is hot and crispy is super nice! The pink cake is yummy too, though it can be a little sweet but I'm fine with the sweetness. It's quite expensive, $3 for a piece that is not so big. And mushroom pancake (Bottom left, second item) is new in the house! Tastes awesome since each of us only get to try a bit only. If I were to eat it alone, I'm not sure if it will be a bit 腻or not. And their chicken thigh is really tender! So yeah, I love their food though it can get quite expensive! Just for your information, it costs us around $50 for all the food on the table!
Yes I really love it so I'll pick up one and hug it till the end of the ikea trip. Too bad no one wanna buy it for me after so many years. ): My grandpa is the best cos he knew I love it and he wanted to get it for me almost instantly! HEE. And then Shan was like "you really like the dog huh! Can get it as your birthday present!". HAHA. I got to admit I really love it. But I'm not sure if I'll have the time to play with it. Yes, can you image that I'm playing with soft toy. (don't forget I like to self-talk, so I'll talk to my pets also huh!). And everyone is praising the dog CUTE! :D Just that it's really a bit too soft, like not backbone -.- But yeah, besides the cute doggy, there're other cute soft-toy. (:
See, even mama couldn't resist! Happy mama and happy doggy! :)
Okay, so this time round we have a mission! Not just here for the dog and food but we are finally getting our cupboards! :) There's promotion for the cupboard that we eyed and it's just for the colour we want! Heng sia! Saved $60!
So we got the one in white, together with another cupboard which is not here in the photo. We've fixed one and my arms and legs are aching right now. I guess it burns more fats and energy for this than working out in the gym. LOL. But my mama who did more work than me didn't experience much aching -.-
Dad bought this pretty lamp cover (you know what I mean can already) at $5.90! Okay, is I choose one, but is for him.
I’ve no idea why, but
ikea always gives me the happy mood. It’s like a place that’s fun and enjoyable and you can
play with all the stuff inside the store! What's more with the good food and good company. Hee.