Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Year 3 debt- CLEARED.

Hello Humans.

I've cleared year 3 debts!

Exam wasn't as stressful and it wasn't satisfactory. I made mistakes that I've never made in exam before (not that I can remember).

First paper was HS316. I got to admit I was ill-prepared for the paper. 1 question was asking on 'G' and my answer was '9'. Totally like no link-.- Felt @#$%^&* but what to do right? Plus it was my first paper and I better stop emo and study. Stopped emo but couldn't stop falling asleep. So I did a bit a revision for the paper next day.

HS317 was better, since i prepared more for it. Still, more potential answers came to my mind after submitting the paper. lalala.

COM254 was... i don't know what to say. I seriously hate 2hour paper that requires writing (i.e. essay). 22marks were left untouched. And I wouldn't score 78marks for those that I've done. but if given more time, I still don't know what are the answers to the 17marks questions that I didn't do,haha, so it's still "okay". anyway I've sort of prepared not to get B+ for that mod so rahhh, okay, i'm fine/i'll be fine.

HS416 is another 2 hour paper, and I seriously think there's not enough time! I think my writing speed downgrade already and my hands felt tired for writing little! That's for every single paper for this semester, except my final paper, which is COM 222 since we got to use computer to type our answers):

COM222 sucks i tell you. I type the best I could, 2,000 words in 2 hours, it's considered very good for me already. though my answers are damn incomplete and short but that's the best I could give. It wasn't that shitty till I realized a stupid mistake that I've made. It was only till 2 hours after the paper when I show adele the question paper that I realized I answered the wrong question! E.g. there're 2 compulsory questions (Q1n2) followed by 2 choose 1(Q3/4). I thought I answer Q1,2 and 4 but in fact I answered Q1,3 and 4! -.- I WAS SUPER SIAN JI PUA.

well, exam sianness is over.

The reason why I like exam is that I can use study as an excuse/a reason for not doing anything else. HAHAHAHAH. oops, but it's true that exam period should study huh! haha. Anyway, i have been busy doing stuff and pei family etc. Time to plan for Europe trip before I leave on next Thursday! Not sure if I'm excited, cos there are so many things to be done. Hope all's well. (:
