Is the weather driving you crazy?
I'm going crazy soon D: THE WEATHER IS SUPER ULTRA HOT! I've to clip my fringe and tie my hair and roll my sleeve! D:

The hot weather has not only irritate me but also drop my efficiency! But never mind, I shall be happy that I manage to finish one reading today! In fact, I'm quite happy with my catching up of reading so far (: Guess that's the 5th readings that I've catch up this holiday! Okay, I shouldn't be so happy since I'm supposed to read them long long long long ago! HAHA. A lot more to go! Jiayou ba HO BIANG BIANG :)
Yesterday channel 5 was airing TITANIC! It's nice, no matter how many times I've watch it! :D I shall watch it again during my long holiday IF possible! Actually I've start writing my to-do list for that long 4 months of holiday! Call me kiasu but that's kind of motivation! :D
Today is the last day of CNY and tomorrow is MARCH! Workload is gonna be heavier and life in school is gonna be shittier! So I shall try to relax a bit this recess week! Look forward for gathering with my besties on Friday! :D
AND AND and, i've accepted YOG's duty! But my duty is damn oh well, it's stretcher bearer -.= Perhaps I was in SJ so they assign it to me. HAHA. The task is quite different from what I'm expecting so oh well, hope it will be fine :D
That's all! I should be analysing video instead of blogging. HAHA
bean :D