went out on thurs. meet hl n zy at abt 1 for kbox at cini.we sang til 5.3o even though we can sing til 7. wad a stupid excuse of demand more den supply.cant they gt more rms so they wun interupt those ple who r singin?RAH.so we sang for 3.30hr onli =( anw finalli can go kbox aft damm long la=)
pics=) :
hl spolit de mic!!HAHA=)so violent of her la!!
n hl wasted de chips la.
laopo zy n mi cam-whorin wen ms ma singing.HAHA

aft kbox-in,we meet up xq at cine at 6+. had prawn noodle for dinner =) hl so LOL la,she asked de chair to move -.=" WOO,i din noe my laopo can talk to chair sia. perhaps de chair no ear so din hear wad hl said n it din move.HAHA=) went de border (is it ar?) cos xq wanna look for pencilbox.anw,shared umbrella wif hl cos mine was dried n i lazy dry it again.so nice of her to share it wif mi =) so we were crappin under de umbrella under de rain.HAHA=)by de way,sometimes i cant c de road cos hl put de umbrella too low.HAHA=)but she's not short u c,she's at de average height!! :) ok,went border n those pencilbox nt nice de.den we went further into de shoppin mall n sit ard de table.well,we love takin photos,so we manage to take pics even though no other ple help us [this reminds mi abt ikea trip wif hl!!HAHA ].so these r de photos we took =)

so aft takin them,off we go hm.miss 9pm show cos reach hm 10+ liao.anw de pumps lan liao la.RAH.both of them lan la,luckily de soles din drop off wen im on my way hm sia.this is de 4th tym my shoes spolit?2slippers n 2pumps.HAHA=) oh ya oh ya,manage to rush to listen yixin's delication of song at 933 =) juz nice la,i on de radio den de DJ start yixin's letter.HAHA=) thx gal for de "dang ni" :) ate chicky n veggi b4 i slp at 12.LOL.

woke up at 7+ for 1hr econs lesson.RAH.bag was damm heavy.nt becos of econ since onli brin a few pieces of econs stuff.HAHA.brought maths for anling :) anyway,most of my time seatin in de class in starring n stoning.tt's bad.but i gt listen la(hopefulli).HAHA=) aft tt went to hv mac breakfast at JEC.poor yiqing eat it alone.cos mi anling jaime n yiqing wanna go JP eat mac de,but wen they ask where im goin aft eatin,we change our mind of goin jp for mac.HAHA.cos im goin lib ALONE to do hmwk!!tt's wad i planned cos scare if gt ple pei mi i'll spend most of my tym crapping again.then anling sae she dun mind pei mi so ok,i dun mind too cos i wun be tt lonely =)jaime went JEC along wif us since she live ard tt area. so ya,we bought de $2breakfast set :) de tea was damm HOT la.i hate it,nd waste tym for it to cool.im ice lei,will melt if de ting i consume is too hot.HAHA=) went lib to do hmwk aft mac.no table available sia.so we sit at de com dere.anling gt on de com cos lyk v bad.so ya,we use a bit com den she copy notes i do hmwk.n we had mac for lunch.LOL. kids nowadays ar,lyk so rude.de bunch of kids nd to grow up n stop acting cool or mature wen their behavior so damm childish. heard de bunch of kids keep sae those $#%$#$@ words la.n they play wif water.tt's fine if it doesnt concern mi BUT MY SHIRT GT KANA A BIT DE WATER LA!!i was damm pissed off.feel lyk scoldin them but i din.i juz diao de person who dirty my shirt.RAH.nvm,shall 4give these childish kids.
saw a cute little boy at mac =) we smile at him n he laugh.v cute la,den i was laughing while taking his pic n de pic turns out to be:

so we con't dgn hmwk til abt 4+ cos meetin my pri sch fren at 5 at JE :) cal reached 1st followed by mi=) den eileen n yixin came n off we go to marina sq to meet up michelle de lao ying :) n they had laksa for dinner!!mi n cal din eat since we're nt hungry.aft tt watch de leap yrs.nt bad la.so part quite touching de :) but some ok ok onli la.poor qi yu wu's eng nt v gd,so wen he speaks in eng,gt ple laugh a bit.well,i dun lyk his image nw.i LOVE his old image,wen he was damm tann..guess tt was yrs ago in de show..de swimmin de..LOL.he SHD /MUZ change back to his old image sia.if nt v ermx,nt shuai? so aft movie,we went to espla dere:) gt a band there singin.music damm loud.poor leg of mine kaa bite by mosquito :( so damm itchy.den we find seats n sit n chat.seems tt im v old cos i hv damm bad memory!!cant recall many ple n mani stuffs in pri sch=( had nice chat :) miss those old time v much!!hope we'll keep in touch!!
pic time :)

went NUS open hse,nth much.went for an hr onli i tink.den head to orchard. nearly cut my hair.anyway,din realise my hair length is this:
ok,messy hair i noe.HAHA=) wonder shd cut it nt.LOL.
this guess handbag looks nt bad:)
nice but exp.RAH.

rah,holidae is endin.i shall nt go out tmr since i've been out fr wed til sat,every single day =( i nd to study for maths n do hmwk.1 day left onli.rah.OK,bye. :)
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