You got 22 questions right out of a possible 30.You took 12 minutes to complete the test.We estimate your IQ to be: 124... The average person has an IQ of 100 - if you are over 100 you are above average!
WOOT!! so is my IQ 124?HAHA=) i tink wait long long bahx!! cos where got so high la..somemore de IQ test gt some i duno den juz anyhow do!HAHA=) u may tink it's low or wad but to mi seems quite high!LOL.but quite happy to c tis figure =) WOOT,IQ124!LOL,let mi happi awhile ok?HAHA=) wanna hv a detail report cos nd $$$,so of cos dun wan le la.HAHA=)actually hw ple noe how high is their IQ ar?take test lyk tis? ple,if u hv facebook go try den c whether most ple will hit more den 100 ba=) den i can c hw accurate is it xD serene's is 141!!tt's scary la!!HAHA=) anyway de highest limit is lyk wad ar?LOL.
anyway,took de optical test.. de qn ask de colour of A n B is (i)same (ii)A darker than B (iii)B darker than A. de qn is sort of it la...
de ans is de colour of A n B....
.. is (i)the same!! tt was my ans cos i expected tt's de ans but de ans seems to be (ii) i use PAINT den erase de rest onli left A n they realli same colour sia..HAHA=)
here's de other rod in de centre rgt,compare de colour.
(i)left n rgt side of de rod is same colour
(ii)left side of de rod is darker den de rgt side of de rod
(iii) rgt side of de rod is darker den de left side of de rod
de ans is (i) de same =) tt's my ans too cos same as earlier prediction.HAHA=) i tried usin PAINT again n it's true.HAHA=)
anyway,relatives fr msia came spore,so my mama dey all out n no food at hm.dey ask mi join along but i will waste my whole dae cos i'll sit dere n gao zi pi.HAHA=) den i sms ple for address den i also told hl.den she sae she free. so end up we decided to go bishan lib to do hmwk.HAHA=) den ltr xq called den she join along too.HAHA=)we din plan tis before hand la.HA=) anyway din do much in lib la,cos u least i did some parts la.better den ms bay.HAHA=) anyway xq bought her hp le! SE 770i!!it looks better den de pic ba! cost $188 for starhub plan.RAH.3.2mp lei,gt radio somemore!HAHA=) anyway we tried findin vegetarian food for dinner but bishan dun hv!!RAH.they shd hv at least a vegetarian store near mrt la!!anway,so we went to AMK to eat dinner=) had a fun dae. even though din do much hmwk but laugh realli loads!HAHA=) told dem we'll gt darker even though under light den i accidentli sae gt UV light.HAHA=) of cos they cant stop laughin la!HAHA=) but tt tym i gt watch fann wong de 1 tv program gt sae tt!!HAHA=) NVM. n abt y ms bay eat de slowest!HAHA=) cos her family is 9pm den eat de,but we 8+ jiu eat so she muz eat slowli so can eat "tgt" wif her family!!HAHA=) den loads la.KEEP LAUGHIN =)at junction 8 =) wif mickey's hand xD
merry go round!! xD we r still little kids xD in lib =)
drew by xq =) juz realise our names gt IN.. if mine is BING BING,den all ours end wif ING.haha=) tink we look quite alike in de pic?but i look nerdy in de pic!!HAHA=)
anyway,goin off to msia on 19dec!! shdb back on 25dec if i gt stay over at my uncle's hse=) can play wif baby cousin=) but,nt sure yet la.HAHA=) Hope will enjoy de trip n dun rain too heavily.LOL.
take care ple=)
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