yup,these r ph0t0s f0r sp0rts meet..these r fr yifang's bl0g cos i din use hp durin sp0rts meet...
t0dae is last dae of sch!!w0ot!! but de h0lidae md nt realii wif mi.. =( h0lidae is mean f0r relaxati0n but pile 0f hmwk la..n l0ads of activities!!RAH!!s0mem0re i nt sure gt wad hmwk la..everyting juz thr0wn t0 us la..hmmp... well,nd t0 check gt wad hwm s0on if nt l0nger will 4gt m0re =X
mon: happi c0s last wk of sch =) rain s0 nv g0 assembly..marianne sick s0 nv g0 sch!miss her tt dae!!well,did my duty al0ne..AS USUAL..i always d0 duty myself la..c0s 0thers nv g0 den 2ple fr my shift de quit..rAH!!nvm..i still can c0pe la..h0pe n0t much customers =X haha..tt's bad la..supp0se t0 h0pe more customers de merrier la..haha=) went for dental aft pw..put pink n purple aft much tinkin..l0l.. tink nxt tym will try grey--rec0mmended by yanxi..haha=)
tues:chi listenin compre practice..gt full mark=) if real tingy full mark jiu ha0!!haha=) but tt listenin nt realli hard..c0s is s0ft..=) pc we waited damm l0ng f0r nth la..de female cher cant d0 anyting t0 us c0s tt 0lder pc male cher sae we muz wait dere..WTH la... den is rainin la..den he sae rain cant run s0 wait...RAH!!waste our tym la..den rain st0p aft abt 30 min ltr den we hv t0 run 2r0unds la..rah..den aft dismiss mi n pam wan to re try nafa station..she try standin board jump..170++++ cm!!well d0ne!! i nv re try for tt c0s i n0e i sure cant d0 better de..but sit n reach i reach 39cm =) break my 0wn rec0rd..keep tellin de cher i wanna retake but he din care mi la..den i keep sh0uting " i WANNA RETAKE!!" but he nv hear..den pam n estee sae den he hear..RAH..den mi n stay back to c0unt de beat..lalala
wed: pw was a free period..used it t0 read chem..but end up listenin mp3..den anling suddenli sae nd ic or ezlink for spa..den i shock cos i din brin both..den damm panick la..haha=) den ask james he sae no..haha=) den sms mr azmi den he sae "no nd lahx"..haha=) den i damm relieve la..den ec0ns i damm w0rry la..den keep tinkin h0w h0W HOW?!?!haha=) den nv listen t0 wad cher sae n t0talli l0st..RAH!!but luckily is dunnd la =) chem spa was ok..as in nt lyk trial i s0 damm nerv0us til everyting hv t0 d0 more den once..nw once onli =) d0ne titrati0n quite fast c0s i n0e calculati0n will kill mi..n i hv full h0ur t0 do..haha=) tink change correct to wrong ans..RAH...den hv cca.. den eat chicken burger..1st eat jj de..nt bad=) haha=)
thur: had chi listenin compre..tis tym rather hard la..lalala..n0 pw s0 left sch earli..den went JE to help sis l0ok for shoes n buy stuffs..c de granolar bar [quaker] damm nice la!!10 bars $6.70..s0unds exp t0 mi..but lasttym g0 7-11 c it c0st 1.20buck per bar!!s0 it's rather aff0rdable s0 i b0ught it =) yeah!!nice man =) haha =) reach hm jiu quickli do gp n chi c0s nd studi for maths test n gp test..end up nv t0uch gp la..clearli n0 tym la.. weather s0 damm h0t la..
fri:last dae of sch!!! =) gt a cat walk pass my class durin moring assembly..den gt a cher makin ann0uncement n pt at s0mewhere out direction..den ple seems lyk l0okin at us..den we [ mi marianne cheryl pam shijie n jas] blur blur n w0rry la..c0s we dun0 wad he said n wad we d0ne la..haha=) den aft s0 discussi0n marainne n jas went up de grandstand ask..haha=) luckily he's nt p0intin at us =) *relieve* den go pc..run2r0unds..n0n st0p de..den jumpin jack we did 60s..den free pc..mi yq fy cy din play sit 1 side watch dem play..marianne n pam gt pe poach dere..den yq sae estee h0ld de ball v l0ng c0s she dun0 hu t0 pass to..haha=) n it's true la!! =X feel lyk playing but dun feel lyk playing due t0 de H0T WEATHER n de stress fr de tests..RAH!!maths test was horrible terriABL VEGETABLE la..i n0e n0ne..WTH la..de c0ncept mi start t0 n0e lia0 but dun0 y i dun0 hw t0 d0..RAH...den chi cher sae go china chem cher 0s0 nv go..but we'll hv xtra less0n..hw man...shd i still g0 china for 3wks when bio n chem cher nt goin?...gp we din take de test..s0me t0ok s0me din,,THX T0 ANLING..haha=) i realli nv t0uch de n0tes de dae b4 la..den we take it on tues[2nd wk of june] dentake aft content test..duntink i hv much tym to read since i'll be g0in msia aft my eclub camp..lalala.. we[ mi pam marianne anling jon cheryl shujie] r suppose to do 3 articles within an hr in de lib n hand in to her..we juz crap thru la..haha=) n i haven finish de last article..=X hack care la..lalala..she shd rest at hm instead of goin sch la..den had bi0 less0n for enzyme..p0or j0n dun hv bi0 backgr0und sia.. but i lyk 4gt 0s0 =( nvm..den stay back to l0ok at de practical..DISGUSTING LA..for saliva part..haha..saliva contain amylase,which is an enzyme..haha.. ya,went for eclub ltr..we din realise tym pass s0 fast la..haha=) reach hm 8++.. yeah,tmr dunnd go sch = can use com/studi... =)
well,ple can STOP linkin mi n him le c0s he's attached =) YEAH!!haha=)
well,h0pe can make full use of tis h0li =)
be a mugger =)
n relax at de same tym =)
take care ple,c0s more ple gettin sick..
xia0qing takin her 0s chi on cumin m0n...a big GDLUCK TO HER!! :D
h0pe eclub camp will be fun =)
gtg..bye =)
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