on sat[25nov] morning went t0 Je t0 make ezlink card wif zy..but i was late..haha=) den we went dere..de queue was damm long..we waited quite long..miss de place sia..c0s abt 4yrs nv go dere liao..haha=) mi din brin enough cash to make de card..den i borrowed fr la0p0[zy] $19 den up she no $$..haha=) but we tw0 t0tal up hv enough $$ la..den we mit xq n la0p0[dn] at 11den change to 11.30pm..den mi n la0p0[zy]went popular den we t0ok de train to bb den back to je again!!haha =) den ltr dey cum n we went to viv0 city lo..it was damm hot lo..n de place was damm big..all de shops nice..but t0o exp liao...went adidas shp n xq f0nd on a lime grEen bag n she wanna her bro to buy for her as a bdae present..it cost abt $49.90..haha=)n we walk n walk n walk lorx..n we t0ok mani ph0to!!haha=) mayb can den upload nw if nt nxttym ba=)haha =) den we weNt t0 farewell party lor..but we were late..haha=)even though de farewell was quite simple n we played musical chair n duno de name for de other game..mani mosquito bite mi =( nw still itchy =( den we t0ok phot0 again lo..haha=)den reach hm br0 sae de happy feet de soft toy give mi!! =) damm happi =) but ltr he realise de day b4 was my sis's bdae so end up de happi feet was my sis de..but my sis sae nvm can give mi=) haha =) it was CUTE!!
by de way, a big thx to my JUNIORS =)N A BIG SUPER THX TO MY LA0PO-DN =) de bottle is damm cute lorx =)she muz be spendin lots of tym in it!!l0ve her=) haha =) den de juniors give de ''goodies bag'' was damm cute t0o..inside gt de f0reva frenship bear de keychain=) it's cute n i love it lo =)de letter oso damm nice lo..de drawing is nice =)haha =) dey shd write down de names lo..as in de msg dey left for de juniors...thx junior=) i love de stuffs =)
den 26nov stay at hm lor..
todae 27nov went to extract wisdom teeth..4wisdom teeth costs $720 lo..todae woke up at 7.00+ to eat lo..haha=) one big bowl of noodle n cup of milo..den no eatin n drinkin aft 8.30am..mi damm thirsty n hungry lo..de process of extraction dunnd sae alredy liao..haha =) but aft extraction lower lip n tongue damm numb..cant speak at all lo..gotta still at hm these fews daes..by de way de doc tried 4 times den can inject lo =( cos de vein on my hand t0o small liao..haha=) den end up tw0 d0c help mi inject..haha =) nw hv bruise liao..haha =)
wah..duno y cant upload some of de photo=( so i goin to upload realli little post=) haha =)

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